Chapter 12

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Hi! Everyone! Miss me? I know I took a hell of a long time to come back but like I promise I am back with another chapter! I try to make it Long hope you will Like it.🤗

Special, how special? Dong Hua thought about it but nothing come to him, he settles himself in the courtyard and materializing a Zither he looks at the sky, it's a fine morning to play a little. He started to tune it as Zhong Lin come and put tea on the side table.

"Di Jun,"

Dong Hua nodded then waved his hand for him to be dismissed, Zhong Lin bowed and left.

A flash of red fur passed him and the red fox started to walk on the railing, he didn't saw her much in the fox form but Dong Hua felt with all of her nine tails spread out, She looks quite magnificent and as she walks with her nose up she was pro...

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A flash of red fur passed him and the red fox started to walk on the railing, he didn't saw her much in the fox form but Dong Hua felt with all of her nine tails spread out, She looks quite magnificent and as she walks with her nose up she was proud of it too. Dong Hua title his head to admire her as she climbed to the stone that was set on the centre of the lotus pond. Feng Jiu stretches herself enjoying the summer air and yawned. Dong Hua sipped his tea smiling at her.

"Di Jun, it so rare to find you with the zither these days," Ling Song arrival broke the peaceful silence of Tai Chen Palace and the red fox hearing the third prince voice, merge her nine tales in one, dimming her aura to the aura of the normal red spiritual fox. Dong Hua composed his face back in a neutral expression.

Dong Hua look at Ling Song with a raised eyebrow.

"Will you do me the honour of playing something?"

"No," came his deadpanned reply that took the grin out of Ling Song face.

" were just about to play!" Ling Song said in confusion.

Dong Hua nodded.

"Then why you won't now?"

Dong Hai sat up waved his hand to the red fox to come near to him and she jumped to the railing near him, he picked her in his arms and shrugged at Ling Song.

Oh! Am I really in Di Jun's arm? this the first time I am conscious of it! Feng Jiu squealed internally at feeling Dong Hua's arms around her. She suppressed a sigh and urge to snuggle closer she still has to maintain her dignity as the Princess of Qing Qiu but it was becoming quite hard as Di Jun started to scratch behind her ears and her heart tingle with her efforts to stifle a content sigh.

"Oh, how adorable where did you..." Ling Song his hand to stroke the little red fixed head but Di Jun step back taking her out of his reach, looking at him with a sour expression. Di Jun put his large lean hand to the little fox head like hiding her from him.

"Aye! Can't I just admire a fox? She is so cute, how about you do me a favour and let me take her. I will gift it to Cheng Yu,"

"How about you get yours?" Dong Hua said and turn away left.

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