Chapter 14

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Hi Everyone! Again, I truly appreciate your patience with me


Bai Qian is standing outside the Tai Chen palace, the only location left in the entire Nine Heavens. Xiao Jiu is not in Qing Qiu, nor is she in any of her other hiding spots. The Lord of the Netherworld is here for the yearly gathering in the Nine Heavens in a few days. So she can't be there, and if she knows her niece any better, she knows that once Bai Feng Jiu's mind is set on anything, she sees it through to the finish, success or failure being unimportant to her dense intellect.

Bai Qian instructed the guards to announce her, and the guards of Tai Chen Palace did not dare to stop the future Crown Princess and proceeded to tell Chief Steward Zhong Lin.

"Paying Respect to Your Highness," Zhong Lin said as he approached her. Bai Qian nodded, unsure what to say about her visit to Tai Chen Palace. After all, she had no business with Di Jun, and she couldn't just say she was here to find her wayward niece, who may be hidden here without the knowledge of the lord of Tai Chen Palace.

"I am afraid Di Jun is in seclusion as we speak, Your highness," Zhong Li bowed and diverted before Bai Qian could even declare her motive for visiting, which was well known by Dong Hua Dijun, Princess Bai Feng Jiu was here after all.

If Bai Qian didn't know better, she would have assumed that Zhong Lin was attempting to get her out of the palace as quickly as possible, and she considered how to explain her reasoning.

"I was just passing by looking for my niece. That little fox niece of mine is sly. If you happen to see a little red fox, even if it appears ordinary, will you tell my palace?" Bai Qian said, her perceptive fox eyes scanning about. She's here, isn't she? Where and how did she manage to remain unnoticed?

She can't find her, and there's no way Di Jun knows she's here and hasn't notified them, since it would be unseemly and inconsiderate for such a reverend deity to disregard etiquette.

"Yes, Your Highness," Zhong Lin bowed, and Bai Qian nodded and departed.

"Don't worry, Little Butterfly, I will heal you," Feng Jiu said to the pink butterfly as she climbed inside Di Jun's library on her shoulder. She took one of the writing brushes from Di Jun's study and carefully applied it to the butterfly's wing. The butterfly's wing mends swiftly, and Feng Jiu blew on her wings, watching it fly away with a carefree grin.

Dong Hua was passing by his study when he noticed a butterfly flying out the window and turned to see Feng Jiu carefully cleaning the brush. When she realised the brush was ruined, she thought there could be a better brush made of the softest fur of a nine-tail fox, so she whipped out her magnificent nine-tailed fox.

The breathtaking sight made Dong Hua's heart seize for a beat. He wanted to stop her, but the only thing he could do was stand and gaze as she prepared a new brush for him with a grin and waved it in the air, placing it down on the stand with a smile.

Dong Hua passed by the window so quietly that Feng Jiu didn't see him; instead, she was in his private study near his rooms for the first time. As a result, she began to thoroughly examine her surroundings, touching anything and everything. She breathed in the scent of the various types of incense and admired the cups he had created, as well, and sighed contentedly. Xiao Liu looked at the scrolls and canvas of paintings. She sat down admiringly tracing the lines of the painting. Art was something she and Dijun had in common. She grins to herself with that knowledge.She found the scroll from Lian Song, the blade that he intended to give to Cheng Yu. Dong Hua looked on admiringly as she corrected a flaw that reminded him of himself.

She discovered the scroll from Lian Song, the drawing of the blade that he intended to give to Cheng Yu. Dong Hua looked on admiringly as she fixed a flaw that reminded her of her own weapon-hiding ritual, which she had to return to now that she had already been here for a few days. She shook her head anxiously as it hit her and Zhong Lin entered, not spotting Di Jun at the window."Paying respect to you, your highness," Zhong Lin bowed.

"What are you doing here, Zhong Lin?" She asked.

"Your Highness, Crown Princess, came here looking for you,"

"What? GuGu was here! " She springs to her feet, undoubtedly for the weapon-hiding ceremony. She has to go meet her right now.

"Zhong Lin, please inform Di Jun that I have left to meet GuGu."She made a quick turn past the study rooms, but Dong Hua grabbed her wrist and stopped her; she came to a standstill, glancing at Di Jun, who had an odd expression on his face.

"Where are you going without telling me? Xiao Bai?" Di Jun asked.

Feng Jiu's heart leaps as he calls her 'Xiao Bai,' and she bites her lips, her cheeks going crimson, staring at him as he holds her hand. It was unusually warm there.

"Di Jun," Zhong Lin bowed respectfully, and Di Jun waived him off. Zhong Lin bowed once more and walked away. All the while, Dong Hua's gaze was locked on Feng Jiu.

"I had to leave; GuGu was looking for me," Feng Jiu said.

"I assumed you were afraid of being punished by them, which is why you were hiding," he said.

That's true, Feng Jiu thought, but if her aunt had come here, her father was probably not here, and her motive for hiding here in disguise was more than just attempting to flee her father's punishment. She wanted to move him but... but she couldn't muster the confidence to talk to him, and now she has to go to Qing Qiu to prepare for her coronation ceremony. She rubs the back of her ear. She looked at him and bit her lips before she came to the point where she had to tell him."Are you not going to answer?" He asked. Feng Jiu shook herself from her reverie; his casual demeanour did not inspire her with much confidence to tell him anything."Ah... right, maybe Father isn't there, but..." Feng Jiu came to a halt, mentally debating whether she should tell him now or... she began to search. It doesn't seem proper, not like this. They are straightforward in Qing Qiu, but shouldn't this be special? She nodded to herself, having reached a conclusion.

"I have a weapon hiding ceremony in three months. I have to work on my sword and then the sword case. It's halfway done but there is still a lot to do. I will find another way to divert my father, but I have to go back now," Feng Jiu stated dejectedly.

"What about the debt you owe me?" Dong Hua asked.

"Are you serious, Di Jun?"

"I thought you were teasing me," she explained.

"I thought, Fox clan, pay back their debt regardless," Dong Hua challenged.

"Of course they do!" She spoke as quickly as Qing Qiu's princess. She can't bear the sight of her clan's and Qing Qiu's losing faces, so she grimaces and looks away. What should she do now that she can't stay or go? Dong Hua sees the scowl on her brow and frowns to himself. 

Feeling uneasy about seeing her anxious or in a predicament, he tucks her sleeves, forcing her to gaze at him. "Well... If I can't prevent you from succeeding in your own coronation, I'll propose a compromise."

"All right," Feng Jiu says as he waits for him to continue.

"Well, you may go see your aunt."

"Then you come back here, have dinner with me, and just leave tomorrow," Dong Hua said.

"Have dinner with you?" She hadn't seen him at dinner or in the kitchens in the few days she'd been here, but here was her chance. There couldn't be a better opportunity to confess to him than now, she agreed.

"Hao," she said with a smile. She will tell him tonight.


Thanks everyone, for your support and in all manner the unconditional love you gave to this story with your patience and waiting, for those who might have doubt, you have my word, I will complete this story have no doubts about it, there might be a long gap between updates before but now I will complete this story this September. So you don't have to wait anymore.



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