-A new Captain and a plan-

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Bailey walked through the halls of Hogwarts towards the dungeons, her and Markus had planned to meet up in the common room to talk about quidditch.

A few days ago Markus had given her his quidditch captain position saying she was a better captain then he was. To say Bailey was surprised was a understatment, not only was she the only female on the Slytherin team she also was the first female captain.

"Alright i'm here, what is it" Bailey said dropping herself next to Markus on the black leather couch in the middle of the common room.

"words spread, the other teams know" Markus said serious looking at the girl in front of him. Her dark  brown hair was put up in a tight ponytail, her uniform fitted beautifully around her body hugging her waist and the dark and green robe rested on her sides.
The most beautiful thing about the young witch were her eyes, het were mostly blue but if the sun hit her eye you could see the green and slightly shade of brown come trough.

Markus's graze moved down, over summer he had barley seen her and she had.... Matured over summer, her waist had gotten a bit thicker which in Markus's opinion looked gorgeous.

A snap of a pair fingers in front of his face made his eyes look into hers "my eyes are up here Fint" she said. Although the two quidditch players knew eachother for a long time Markus never got used to her beauty and always hoped they could be more then just friends. "yeah yeah I know, anyway the captains want a meeting after dinner to talk about it"

Bailey let out a big sigh "can't the idiots understand, I am the new captain. What is so hard to understand?" she said annoyed. Markus shrugged and got up "well c'mon dinner is starting soon" he said offering a hand to help her get up.

Rolling her eyes and slapping the hand away she got up on her own and walled out of the common room with Markus who shook his head laughing following her.

On their way they met up with Adrien Pucey, the Slytherin 3th chaser and Miles Bletchley the Slytherin Keeper. Both of them were also supprised that a few days ago their new captain was Bailey, but they didn't mind it just like the rest of the team they were good friends with Bailey and knew she would lead Slytherin to the win.

"so Bailey heard from Terrance yet?" Adrien asked in a teasing way. At the mention of her ex-boyfriend Bailey turned around and gave Adrien a death glare. She hated to admit it but he ex-boyfriend Terrance Higgs was a excellent quiddich player therefore she had asked him to try out for seeker again seeing as she coudn't stand Malfoy but he hadn't replied yet.

"no" she shortly said and contiued walking to the great hall. With both of her hands she punched open the 2 big doors and walked in towards the end of the Slytherin table which was placed on the left side of the great hall.

She sat down on her usual spot by the rest quidditch team and began filling her plate with food. "so Warhearth heard you're trying to replace me" the younger Draco Malfoy said in a rude tone. Bailey simpley nodded, she didn't feel like repling to the boy who already gave her a headache with his annoying mumeling about how annoying Potter was or how rich is familly was. "Why is that- I gave the whole team quidditch brooms"

Bailey rolled her eyes and looked at the boy "I asked Higgs to try out for Seeker again because I can't stand you're bloody attitude , so if you want to keep you're spot I suggest you keep the tone down" she hissed. The rest of the team laughed at Malfoys face which became red of anger, he stood up and walked to the second years

"bloody idiot" Bailey mummbeld under her breath.

"Bailey" a voice said behind the girl Bailey took a deep breath recognizing the voice almost immediately. She turned around and started at the blonde boy before her "yes Terrance"

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