-A trial and an invatation-

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high heels, head held high, no smile, flashing camera's everything was there for the girl in black to feel uncomfortable. Today was her parents trial and she was asked to speak on the behalf of either her parents or the ministry. She hadn't told her decision yet but she knew she would speak to get her parents into Azkaban.

When she stepped into the round room her mother and father who were seated in the middle of the room, their hands tied behind their back, both turned around. Her mother's face was full of hope but when Bailey walked up the stairs and took place next to the minister her face fell again. "Thank you miss Warheath for joining us today" the minister said breaking the awkward silence. Bailey gave a short nod.
"Today's trial for Finn Warhearth and Jessica Warhearth guilty for killing multiple muggle's, muggleborns  and one pureblood by the name of Hunter Warhearth their own son. Mr Warhearth you are also guilty of threatening multiple people at the ministry and forcing illegal deals."

Bailey looked straight at her father who just like herself sat up straight. Bailey could see the similarities between herself and her father, she hated it. She hated how she could easily manipulate other people or hurt them just like he could she hated she could have the same cold stare he was wearing right now.
"Miss Bailey do you have anything to add to this list that the ministry isn't aware of"
Bailey gulped as she stood up.
"When I was ten my father forced me to ride a broomstick, he said he wanted a daughter who would be the best at quidditch at school. I knew it wasn't allowed but when I told my father that it was against the law he-" Bailey took a deep breath before continuing " he hit me and told me that the only person I should listen to was him."
Bailey looked her farther in his face the entire time she talked creating a tension that could be felt by all the people that were in the room. "And did you knew what happened to you're brother, did you even know him"
Bailey nodded
"Hunter was the only person that I liked seeing in the house, when I was younger I always sneaked off to his room and he would keep me safe. I was ten when my father and mother came home, Hunter had promised me he would come home but- but he didn't, I wanted to know where my brother was so I asked my parents, my father told me Hunter was- dead and my mom made me swear not to tell anyone about Hunter nor his death, I was scared so- I didn't"
Bailey sat back down tears forming in her eyes. "Miss Warhearth if you don't mind me asking did you're father abuse you at any other point in you're life. Bailey nodded her head and in barely a wisper she spoke her next words "last week was the last time I was stripped from my captainship at Hogwarts, I was called weak, he hit me at the platform like I was his toy and at my home he used his wand making the bruises and the scars that he had caused that day stay" A single tear escaped Bailey's eye which she quickly swept away.

"I hate you" Bailey said in a threatening tone looking at her father. "I hope you get to rot in Azkaban and that somehow you will hear how I made you're business more successful then you could ever dream off. I hope that you suffer like I suffered for years" Baileys words were threatening yet Bailey had never spoken words with such sadness. "I hope you will die" she spatted at the man she called her father for too manny years. She then looked at her mother who held her head down. "pathetic" The girl said in a low wisper. Bailey was proud of her threat but on the other hand she hated that she sounded just like the man in the middle of the room.

The whole room was silent, you could hear a wand drop. For the first time that day Bailey heard her mother's voice "He refused to marry"

The minister looked confused "Who"

"Hunter, he refused to marry, he was in love with a muggle" Finn Warhearth gave his wife a death glare but she looked at Bailey in the hope to find some sympathy.
A few gasp were heard but Bailey bit her tongue, keeping herself from talking about Ruby or Dylan.

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