-The book and a intressting class-

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Bailey was standing in front of the mirror cursing at herself "bloody hell Miles" she wispered to herself trying to cover up the hickey he left last night. A good 5 minutes later and the bruise was barely noticeable.

Bailey sighed and dressed in her school clothes, she didn't want to face the boy she made-out with last night when he caught her in a vulnerable moment. So she waited as long as possible to pack her bag and walk out of her room.

To her big relief she didn't saw anyone in the common room so she walked up the stairs of the dungeons towards the great hall. She sighed before walking in and taking her usual spot at the table. "you were late again" Adrien said stuffing his mouth full with a donut. "no shit" Bailey said annoyed grabbing some breakfast for herself. "HOLY SHIT" Adrien said almost choking on his donut, puching Baileys head to the side and placing his finger on the hickey. "god dammit, you are bad at hiding things" he laughed. Bailey gave him an eyeroll but didn't dare look at him knowing very well that Miles was sitting next to him. "what is it Adrien" Markus said annoyed.

"someone left a damm hickey on Baileys neck" Adrien screamed a little too loud in Bailey opinion. At this the whole Slytherin team turned to look at her. She simply didn't feel like replying so she shrugged and went back to eating.

"fine, I will find out" Adrien said teasingly

"no you won't" Bailey said annoyed and was about to stand up.

"Oi Warhearth" she recognized the voice of Cedric Diggory. She turned to look at him when she saw all the other captains
Standing in front of her. He handed her a book. "read the last page"

Bailey raised eyebrow before opening the dark green book and checking out the last page. She read the words out loud. "I, Salazar Slytherin here by say that under no exception no female will EVER lead the Slytherin quidditch team of hogwarts, If so she will be immediately kicked off this potison and baned from doing so ever again"

Bailey turned to look at the three boys  "who found this, and were"

All the captains looked at eachother before looking at the ground. "fuckers" she mumbeld before walking to the teachers table, it wasn't really allowed but Bailey woudn't let some musty old book take away her position.

"Professor Dumbeldore, these- boys claim that I can't be captain of the team" Bailey said annoyed. The professor raised an eyebrow at the boys causing Oliver to step forward  and hand him the book. "I found it in the meeting room" he said stepping backwards.

"you could have just written it yourself" Bailey hissed stepping closer to him. "I must agree with miss Warhearth, but I will show it to some other teachers who maybe have an idea, for now miss Warhearth I think you can still continue you're leadership" The professor said calmly.

Bailey shot all three captain's a cocky grin. "try again boys" she wispered as she walked past them. Oliver Wood mentally cursed, but he knew he was right, and now Bailey knew that he was the one that found the book.

Bailey on the other hand was happy with the situation, she now had a proper reason to distoy the Gryffindor team, and she was starting to regret her promise that her team would play fair.

The other two captains were not sure if Oliver's book was real or not but they believed the captain anyway.

Baileys first class was charms for that day. She sat next to Adrien who was still questioning her about the hickey in her neck. "nobody" Bailey anwered everytime. Half way to class Miles stood in front of her. "Bailey, can we have a chat in the break"

Bailey shook her head not looking up from her charms book. It was quiet for a few seconds before Adrien gasped. "oh my god- you two, YOU TWO KISSED" he screamed trough the class. "Mr Pucey" Professor flitwick said with a disapproving look. Nobody seemed to have heard the Professor everbody was looking at the 2 Slytherin players who were awkwardly looking at eachother. "it was nothing" Bailey said flipping over her page and contiued reading. "yeah" Miles said and sitting down on his seat next to Terrance who was shooting him daggers. "very well, Miss Warhearth if you please could demonstrate the spell you have been reading about." the professor said. Bailey grabbed her wand and pointed it at her head and flickered the wand from left to right, making her hair turn even darker then it already was and making her eyes blue.

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