The first day back...

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Victoria ^^^

I dressed myself neatly in my school uniform, grey skirt, grey blazer, white shirt and a Burgendy tie. I fastened my top button and pushed my tie up to it. I wasn't a 'good girl' as they say, I just like to look neat and tidy, I pulled my grey knee high socks to mid calf and straightened myself out.

I sat down at my vanity table and started to apply eyeliner , then mascara and also penciled my eyebrows in. I'm quite a pretty girl Id say. My brown hair with blonde dip-dye falls up to my waist and I have bright green eyes, tanned skin and my figure is perfect I have all the right curves in the right places. I apply some lipgloss to my lips and slip on my shoes.

I skip down the stairs in search of some breakfast, walking into the kitchen I see my dad sat at the island reading the newspaper, mum making pancakes and my older brother Kyle eating jam and toast. I sit down next to Kyle and smile at him.

"morning." I said to everyone. they all smiled at me.

Mum placed some pancakes on my plate and passed me the syrup yummy.

"How can you eat that ? It's so sickly." I narrowed my eyebrows at Kyle .

" your sat there with jam piled onto your toast like its butter." he opened his mouth to argue back but mum interrupted.

"be quiet the both of you, arguing at this time." We rolled our eyes at the same time. I finished my breakfast and picked up my river island bag and jumped in the car, Kyle followed me out and sat next to me.

"What are you doing?" He asked me, I looked up from my phone to see his face scrunched up.
"Texting someone, why?" I carried on writing out my message.

"who is it?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"stop being so nosey. it's none of your business." his jaw clenched and his fist rolled into balls down his sides.

"it is my business because your my little sister." what is his problem?

"Be quiet Kyle don't get involved." i spat my words out at him like he was dog poo on the bottom of my michael kors shoes.

Mum jumped into the car and drove us to school. "bye kids, love you have a nice day. Kyle fix your shirt you look like a scruff." I laughed at mums comment and Kyle scowled at me.

We walked into school together until Kyle met up with the football team.

I walked past them and said bye to kyle.

"looking fine Tory babes." I rolled my eyes at the jock and carried on walking the rest of them wolf whistled as i walked down the corridor.

I walked into my form room and plonked myself onto the seat at the back far corner. the bell rang not long after and the form tutor began to speak to the form.

The wooden door swung open a little to fast and banged into the wall, I jumped slightly and lifted my head too see none other than the school bad boy smirking.

Hayden walter.

he slowly strode over to the seat next to me and sat down, i rolled my eyes and looked back at my phone. I could feel a pair of eyes burning into the side of my head, i turned to see who it was and came in contact with a pair of brown eyes like pools of milk chocolate but with a glint of mischief and mystery, they took my breath away. i narrowed my eyes at Hayden . " what are you looking at?" I asked him angrily.

He glared at me , while clenching his jaw. " who do you think your talking to princess?" I stared at him in disbelief and the bell rang. saved by the bell the saying is true.
#####KYLES POV#####
I stepped into the cool shower in the changing room, washing all the mud off my body from the football game we just played. I herd someone step into the shower next to me.

"Seriously Kyle your sisters hot." Luke told me and the others agreed. my jaw clenched.

"She's a kid and my baby sister. stop it guys seriously. it knocks me sick." i retort.

"She's not a kid Kyle she's only two years younger. many boys out there know your sisters fine and we all know what their gonna be after." I slammed my locker shut and faced the guys.

"I swear to god leave her alone ,I'll make all your life's a living hell if you touch her any of you I mean it." I couldn't control the anger i stormed out and smashed the mirror as I did. how dare they talk about her like that! Like she's a piece of meat on their Sunday dinner. From now on no boy apart from Connor goes near her and I'll make sure of it.

The badboy just won't leave me alone.Where stories live. Discover now