It was painful.. But perfect. The night i mean.

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"You have to come to this party tonight tori , it's meant to be be the best of the year." I sighed at laura.

"I dunno , I suppose I can ask if connor wants to come." She grinned at me and walked away.

I turned back to my locker and pulled out my books.

"Hey you." I smiled at connor as he pecked me on the lips.

"Hey , so I was just talking to laura. apparently there's a party tonight ,it's meant to be good. wanna go?" I asked he grinned at me and nodded.

We started walking to my class , he placed his hand at the small of my back.

"Have a good lesson tors ." he kissed my temple." love you babe." I pulled him down and smashed my lips to his , he pulled me in closer as I smiled against his lips.

I pulled away and smiled at him. " I'll meet you later. love you." He gave me a quick peck then turned around and left.

I entered the class and sat down in my seat 5 minutes into the lesson the door swung open , i rolled my eyes.
"Hayden Walter." Ms Burke stiffened at the sight of him.

"Good afternoon." he smirked and nodded his head towards her. his head turned towards me noticing the empty chair on my right. please don't sit here , please don't sit here.

He pulled the chair out and sat down. i closed my eyes and sighed, oh golly gosh. this was going to be a long lesson.

I jumped into my mothers car as she came to get me and Kyle from school, again.

"Hey." I smiled at my mum. she grinned back at me.

"Hey darling , have you seen your brother ? " I shook my head as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"I'll go and find him." she nodded her head and told me she'd wait as I got out of the car leaving all my belongings bar my phone.

I walked into the school gym and into the boy changing room. all the boys turned to stare at me as I walked in.

"Well well well look who's here." I groaned at the boys.

"Where's Kyle." I asked them all. Ashton walked over to me , one of Kyles closest friends and pushed me against the changing room wall. he placed his hands on my small waist and pulled me in closer.

"God tori you look hot as fuck today." I rolled my eyes at him and pushed him off me.

"I have a boyfriend." I glared at him.

"How could we forget that little one." Cole walked towards me. I raised my eyebrows.

"I am not little! Just tell me where Kyle is I have to go." Cole was about to talk but was cut off by the shower door opening. Kyles closest friend fletcher walked out with just a towel hanging low on his waist.

I know I have a boyfriend but I do admit these guys were perfect , they're bodies , eyes and hair were on point. they just lack the personality quality.

"Where's Kyle fletch?" He motioned his head to the showers.

"Showering , why are you here? your not safe around these lot you know that." he joked , I chuckled at him and walked past him to Kyles shower cubicle. I banged on the door.

"Kyle hurry up! Get out of the shower." I herd the water go off and he grabbed the towel off the metal line above his head.

"Tori! You shouldn't be in here! " I rolled my eyes at him as he walked out.

"Yeah yeah I've been told , now hurry up. I'll wait outside." he sighed and nodded.

I grinned at fletcher as his pulled me in for a hug , I wrapped my arms around his bare torso and breathed him in. fletchers practically a second brother to me , we grew up together. we pulled away and he pushed me forward.

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