The Prince Of Vexington

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A cold breeze blew against his pale skin. Long dark hair flowed out of his face as he tilted his head back and closed his eyes, letting the Autumn air nip at his nose and cheeks. His long slender fingers, bare at the tips but the rest of the hand covered in a glove, ran over the brick wall he walked along. A shadow floated by him as he did so, but it was not his own. On his fingers was the shadow of a raven, same size and everything. It even had the beady red eyes of the bird.

The young man opened his pale green eyes once the bird suddenly let out a cry. His eyebrows furrowed and his head cocked to the side. Then he heard it, the faint whimpers of a frightened soul. He stopped walking and listening more carefully. His fingers twitched and then snapped together when he raised his free hand. "Woldren, what do you say we do about this?" The young man asked to the now living and breathing bird. The animal cocked it's head to the side for a second and then looked at it's master straight in the eyes, as if telling him an idea. The man heard the whispers in his ear that echoed their voice. He the nodded and raised his hand to let the bird take flight. Woldren was his watch dog, he would watch out for anything that would bring harm to his master, or get in his way. So the bird flew above the city in search for any heroes, while his master went to find the source of the whimpering noises.

His boots splashed in the small puddles in which he stepped in. His long coat flowed behind him, exposing his clothes beneath. A vest of many little pockets to keep his supplies in, black leather pants tucked into his boots and held up with a belt buckle in the shape of a skull. Thin tubes seemed to be connected to his back that held a green-ish yellow colored liquid. The strips were placed down his back and connected on either side of his spine and on his chest.

"Well would you look what we have here.." The villain shook his head and tsked, "..Oh you heroes are so sad, when will you ever learn not to challenge my guardian to a card game, if you know you'll lose.." he sighed, kneeling down to pull out the card shoved into the middle of the hero's chest. A chuckle escaped from him as he read the card. The same old familiar question was written on it.

Standing back up he let out a sigh and tossed the card over his shoulder. "Leon, is it? I'm afraid that I really have no choice but to end you right here and now. You know how it is, it's hard out here with all these heroes, the cities got too many, so what's one less, am I right?" The villain shrugged his shoulders and took a step back as he took off his coat. He fixed the large slime green goggles on his head then cracked his knuckles and popped his neck. "Any last words hero?" He asked ever so sweetly.

"There is more than one hero you know, be more specific, yeah mate?" Another voice said, causing the villain's head to turn towards the source of the voice. "Sic' 'em Zeithrow!" The same deep voice commanded. Out jumped a tiger straight for the villain who jumped back just in time to dodge the deadly attack. He then ducked as a spear was throw just a few inches above his head.

He growled and balled his hands up into fists. "Oh you just love to ruin my fun, don't you blondie?" he snapped at the hero.

"You know me, I'm always up for some fun, but safety has to come first you know" the hero nodded to the injured man on the ground.

"What does it matter to you? He is a sidekick after all!" said the other man, rolling his eyes.

"You should be one to talk, you're nothing but an apprentice like the rest of us" a female voice came into the conversation. An arrow shot at the villain. He chuckled and caught it, dropping it to the ground before it burned through his glove and got his hand. With a wide, fake smile he spoke, "lovely to see you as well my dearest, how's things going with your new boy toy, hm?" He asked, raising an eyebrow teasingly.

The female narrowed her eyes at the man, "how would you know anything about that, hm?"

"Oh I have my ways" the villain sighed, holding out his arm for the raven that was about to land. He gently stroked it's head, humming to himself as he did so. "Who's a pretty bird?" he cooed at the beast.

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