New Territory

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The man walked throughout the town, his boots tapping on the wet pavement as he walked. There wasn't a person in sight as far as he knew, so he walked without a fret of being seen. It was one of those rare days where Ozwald would walk amongst the day time. It was a perfect day to, not only was there very little people, maybe one would pass by every so often, but it was also a foggy and gloomy day. No sun was to be seen.

"You know I'm just about done walking in this cold mist! Take me home now!" growled his partner in crime, Jack.

"You wanted to come here puppet, you said that it would be fun to explore a new town and Jackington was the closest one so suck it up and quit your bitching before you attract attention" Ozwald said with a small grin. Jack growled under his breath and pulled his coat tighter around himself. He didn't know how in the hell this clown could stand such weather, the no sun weather was similar to their town, but this? It was freezing to Jack and the sprinkle of rain wasn't helping.

"Attract attention? What attention is there to attract hm? This town is a fucking wasteland as far as I've witnessed" Jack said with annoyance. The only reason they came to the town was because the old one was getting quite boring. The two were looking for some new game. They had no idea what was in store for them.

"You can always go back with your pet" Ozwald smirked. Jack narrowed his eyes, he kept quiet in order to restrain himself from choking the clown to death.

In back of them across the street, walking quietly and slowly was another man standing about 5'8. Piercing green eyes were set on the two men in front of him. He debated weather he should go for it or not. Two against one? It shouldn't be that hard with the skills he had. Plus there wasn't another human around for him to feed on, so he really had no choice.

So speeding up his pace, but keeping just as quiet, he blurred over to the two men. 

"Hello there boys, fancy a stroll in the park?" he asked with a friendly smile.

"Excuse me?" Asked Jack, raising his eyebrows.

"What the fuck?" added Ozwald.

The two eyed the person up and down. Black ripped skinny jeans, what seemed to be a heavy metal band t-shirt under his black leather jacket, and leather boots. His hair was jet black which he flipped away from his eyes that were lightly outlined with smokey black liner. He looked no older than sixteen years old, a rebel teen telling by how he dressed and that ciggarette hanging out of his mouth. This was just way too easy.

Ozwald looked to Jack, who seemed to be thinking the same thing as he was. They both nodded to each other and pulled away from the young man's hold.

"Listen kid, I suggest you go home to daddy before you get into trouble" Ozwald said in a slow warning voice. 

'Yes, child, go home now I'm sure you wouldn't want to hang around any longer" Jack said in a more polite tone.

The kid scoffed and flicked his ciggarette away. "Yeah?" he said blowing out a puff of smoke, "That's a threat coming from a clown and some nazi?" he raised his eyebrow and smirked.

"Young man-" 

"The name is Ryan, Ryan Pierce, don't you guys recognize a Pierce when you see one?" the boy rudely interrupted.

Jack tilted his head up slight in a somewhat superior stance. The hands in his coat pockets balled into tight fists. "Well Mr. Pierce you see my partner and I are not from here-" Jack began to explain.

"Obviously you aren't" Ryan interrupted again, looking straight towards Ozwald. Ozwald smiled widely, "I like him, he's a feisty little fella. I sure would like to see him put up a fight" he said, walking slowly around Ryan.

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