Little Gypsy Boy

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The castle was loud and filled with arguing from the father and son going back and forth. The others just watched, unsure of what to do. Achilles just thought it was best to let his husband and son work it out by themselves considering that they always did. Though it was rare to see the two fight and when they did it was never good. Things went from happy to sad and angry in the matter of seconds it seemed.

"I am 18 years old Da! You can not keep treating me like I am a small child anymore!" Elias shouted, balling his hand up into tight fists. "I want to be able to do things on my own for once with out having you worry about me.." he spoke a bit calmer then, seeing Elspar's face crumble into a hurt expression.

"Well I am sorry that I choose not to lose my little boy" Elspar frowned.

"This is what I am talking about Da! I'm not your little boy anymore, why can't you see that I can take care of myself!" Elias snapped, beginning to get annoyed with his father. To him he didn't need to be protected. He was his own man and wanted to do things without being treated like a child.

"Take care of yourself?! Elias, my boy, you just nearly got yourself killed not too long ago! How could you be so reckless and uncaring? Please tell me, because I fail to see how you are capable of taking care of yourself. You can't even walk two steps without tripping over your feet" Elspar huffed, folding his arms below his chest.

"You are one to talk" Elias scoffed, "drinking at the age of what? Tell me Da, was it lucky number 16 or 15?" he raised a challenging eyebrow at his father.

Elspar's jaw dropped, "who told you that?! Was it Stephan?" he growled, shooting his friend a glare. Stephan held his hands up in defence. "Don't look at me, I did not tell the boy anything" he quickly said, slowly dropping his hands.

Elias rolled his eyes and threw his hands up as if dropping the subject like it was an object to be dropped. He then let his hands fall back down to his sides as he turned and began walking out the door.

"Where do you think you are going young man?" Elspar called after him in a stern fatherly tone. "Get back here now! I am not in the joking mood Elias!"

"Yeah? Neither am I, we must have so much in common eh?" Elias shook his head, reaching up to run a hand through his hair.

Elspar sighed, dropping his hands as well. He placed one on his hip with the other ran through his long raven black hair. He didn't bother trying to stop his son when he knew it wouldn't work. Elias was just as stubborn as he was which sometimes made it hard to get the boy to sit down and listen.

Judas had stayed quiet the whole time the two were fighting. The curly-haired boy flinched at hearing the castle doors slam shut as Elias stormed out of the building. He shifted awkwardly in his seat, turning to look behind him and then to slowly glance back at the others. His lips pursed together as his shoulders hunched while he shrunk back hoping to become small enough to the point where no one could see him. Sadly that wasn't likely to happen. Judas could feel his father and the others look at him.

Elspar, however, was not. He had his eyes squeezed tightly shut as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Judas would you please go after him, make sure he doesn't do anything stupid" he sighed, finally opening his eyes to look up at the boy pleadingly. His lavender eyes full of worry and hurt, turning bloodshot from the stinging tears that threatened to spill.

The boy nodded, unable to do anything but do as his uncle wished. He didn't want to hurt the man any further than what he already was and it wasn't like he was going to let his friend run off by himself anyways. So after turning to his father for permission to go after Elias, Judas got up once Stephan gave him a nod saying it was okay to leave and run after the boy. He then dusted himself off and slowly walked over to Elspar, placing a hand on his shoulder.

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