Call Me Master

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The boy sat at the kitchen table in the dark. All around him was darkness except for the glowing light of his laptop shinning in his face. His mouth slightly hung open as he stared at the screen with a blank face which his hand covered part of, one eye looking between his index and middle finger. With a groan he leaned his head further into his hand, shaking it himself. Then, rubbing both hands over his face, he glared at the blinding screen with dark brown eyes, almost black. Purple underlined those eyes in a thick shade caused by lack of sleep. This is what lead to the boy being up in the first place. He couldn't sleep, even if he tried. His brain was fried and now all he could do was just sit there, rocking back and forth as if he was a patient in an insane asylum.

"Fuck it..I can't think straight anymore.." he sighed, letting his head drop to the table along with his arms soon after it.

"When could you think straight?" A familiar voice asked with a playful and teasing giggle at the end. With a scoff, the boy raised his head and rested his chin on his forearm. "Gee, I don't know" he said with the roll of his eyes. Ryan Pierce chuckled and patted the boy on the back. 

"Don't worry kid you got this, just give it time" he said then winked.

"Well it has been a while since you have written some of these stories" another voice butted into the conversation. His french accent thick and clear in the words he spoke.

"Oh Elspar, leave the poor boy alone why don't you?" Stephan shoved his friend gently to the side.

Elspar pouted like he was innocent and held his hands up in the air, surrendering in defeat. "I am just saying that there are lots of stories needing to be told!" 

"Yeah, cool it Frenchie! You'll get your turn" Ryan said, bumping Elspar out of the way.

Stephan laugh, catching Elspar in his arms. Elspar growled at the vampire boy and got up to his feet, shoving him back. "Watch yourself, Brit! Or should I say, brat?" Elspar smirked, folding his arms below his chest. 

"You watch it, french fry!" Ryan hissed. Stephan shook his head as he held it in the palm of his hand. "Snobby Britain!" Elspar stuck his tongue out at the boy.  

"Stuck up French!" Ryan glared.

"Could you two get any less mature than you already are? I have seen four year old's come up with better and smarter come backs" Jack Veil said with a sigh and a shake of his head. The boy smiled up at the green eyed man, "hello there Jack" he leaned into the hand that reached down to ruffle his hair. 

"Hallo, little master" Jack said with a grin.

"Oh great hear comes the German Nazi" Ryan threw his hands up then dropped them back down to his sides with a huff. Jack rolled his eyes, "yes, Ryan, because I am such the Nazi" he replied in a sarcastic tone.

"You kill people" Ryan spoke with a 'duh' type of tone.

Jack raised an eyebrow then turned to the boy, "he is suppose to represent you?" He asked, making a face as if the thought made a bad image in his head. With a shrug the boy nodded and side smiled.  

"Well he did create Elspar as well, basing him off of his irresponsible tendencies that he gets from time to time" Stephan shrugged.

"Now that I believe judging by the way you are not on top of your work" Jack chuckled.

"You think his story work is getting bad, you should see his school work!" Jeremy Pierce exclaimed, folding his arms tightly. 

Ryan groaned along with the boy. "Come on, he's working on it, Jay, give the kid a break!" Ryan frowned. 

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