A World In Between

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Normal kids would just dream of something like their crushes or lovers. On a occasion something weird like having super powers, or unicorns crapping rainbows. I don't know, is that correct? I'm certainly not a normal kid, never have and never will be. Do you know why? I don't either which is why I asked you in the first place! Is there such a thing as normal? Define normal for me and then tell me of a person who actually fits that definition. Can't? Thought so.

Here I am, some awkward teenager sitting in math class and repeatedly looking at the clock to see if the black handles have even moved an inch. Instead of actually paying attention to the teacher, who basically mumbles everything in a boring tone, I think of other things. My mind wonders off to it's wonderland like it always does. There's no more of the teacher talking, and the noisy students in the background are barely a whisper in the wind. My head rests against the palm of my hand as I look down at my notebook and begin to sketch.

Sometimes I feel like them, my characters. As crazy as it sounds. Right about now I feel like Jack Veil, all I want is for them to shut up and leave me alone. My anxiety levels build and my mind races as it's filled with unwanted thoughts. Sometimes I feel like the world is out to get me, I can't trust no one. Right at this moment I feel like screaming out but I don't. I stay quiet and keep to myself just like the famous killer in my story does. I keep a blank emotionless face as I peak up from my notebook and look around the room.

The setting has changed, now I'm walking down the hall with my black Levi jacket on, one of my demonic looking band shirts and dark skinny jeans tucked into my Doc Martin's. My dark hair falls to my eyes every so often, making me flip it away and brush it back with my fingers. My face shows only the littlest of emotion towards the people I pass by. With my head tilted back slightly and my dark brown, almost black eyes looking no where but forward, I feel like a badass. I get a few looks but I don't care. Right now I'm Ryan Pierce. My mood is cool with only the slightest bit of annoyance towards these people. Especially the dumbasses I pass by from time to time. It doesn't matter to me, I feel like I could do anything right now, say anything and not care what my big mouth gets me into.

Again the setting has changed once my best friend comes up to me and gives me a playful shove against the lockers nearly making me loose my balance. We're both in a place so familiar. Probably because I've lived in this town my entire life. It was small and easy to get around. We currently were walking through the park on our way to who knows where. He having to always stop me from doing the wrong thing. Who am I now? "You are like a magnet to trouble!" I hear. Of course I roll my eyes and smirk, "what's the big deal? I'm as innocent as one could be!" I lie. He snorts, "I should have you on a leash, or at least locked up in a cage." There's a long silence as I lose myself in my thoughts, "you day dream a lot" I hear him comment, giving my shoulder a playful shove. "I have a lot fo things on my mind?" I shrug. "Like?" he asked. I shake my head and smile, "nothing man, lets go see what trouble we can get into, yeah?" I'm Elspar now. Playful with my best friend by my side, but still so very mysterious. I wont let anyone in besides him on a rare day, but some things are better to keep to myself.

Yet again, that's what changes the whole thing. I'm at home now, well, walking up to it actually. My black cat greets me at the backdoor, purring and rubbing against my leg. It lets out a meow and I smiled a small smile, reaching down to pet the small beast before opening the door. Of course hear comes the yelling and arguing. I sigh and ignore, walking straight to my room and slamming the door shut. My music blasts from my phone, but even that doesn't help. So I wait until all is quiet and I hear a car drive off in the distance. Counting backwards from ten I close my eyes and let out a deep breath. My hands twitch with each agonizing tick of the clock. This is when the memories kick in, I burst out of my room and walk straight to the bathroom, shutting the door shut behind me. I rest my back against it for a while before heading over to the bathroom sink. I can't stand to look at my reflection so I don't. Instead I reach for the drawer under the sink counter and continued with what I came in here for. After a few long moments, I slide down against the wall and let my thoughts consume me as I mentally break down inside. Then the doorbell rings. I open it and there is some of my pals. Two of them actually. So I put on the fake smile I always have and joke around like the clown I am just for their sake. Sometimes it feels like there's a Chelsea smile carved into my face at these times. Half of one and that's the only side of my face I allow them to see, my good side. While the other side of me falls deep into madness whenever I'm alone with my thoughts. I am Ozwald.

The night is only worse as the nightmares set in. They keep me awake, even if I tried to sleep I would only keep waking up every two hours or so. I feel like Nicolai. Then I feel the warmth of thinking about that one special person and the frightful feelings seem to banish. Smile kid, tomorrow is going to be better. Make a joke and laugh a little. Hey remember when your buddy fell on his face while riding his skateboard down the hill? Priceless! I laugh at the memories that happened not to long ago. I make jokes inside my head for a while until my mind goes into a serious thought of the world and reality itself. Does this mean I'm Draco? I'm funny and goofy, but it seems like I'm hiding something.

My head spins and the room spirals out of control. I'm back in my math class, a bunch off sketches of my characters are all over my paper. I smiled slightly to myself as I sign my name at the bottom. Devil In White. "Ryan? Oh he couldn't hurt a fly. He's so cute and innocent looking." I remember hearing a family member say. Little does everyone know, I'm much more than that. Far from that. White is the color of purity, innocence. So they all think I am that color. Everyone does at first when they meet me. I am no angel though, I am a devil. A devil disguised in white innocence. If they could see into my mind, they'd call me insane. 

Normal kids aren't like this. What is normal exactly? I will never know. My world is different than everyone's and the next's. My world is in between the lines of reality and fiction, or sanity and madness. There is no words for it. I'm many things in one, a strange boy. I sit here smiling at my wonderland I have created. As much as I wish I was really one of these characters, I could never be. Why? Their story needs to be told and mine needs to be lived. Part of me may be these characters, inside each and every one, but not individually. All together they make up the real character. Who's that? Ryan Strange. I am indeed, very strange. Stuck in a world in between the lines of reality and fiction.

Sanity and madness..


So did I weird you guys out? I know this is not a one-shot or anything, but I didn't know whether I should put this in Amnesia or here. So I chose here as you can see. Think I'm a freak now? Lol. At least you can kind of see where these characters sort of came from more or less. I love them all, I truly do. Without them and writing or drawing, I think life would suck. They keep me sane if that makes sense. I'm happy to share them with you guys. They mean so much to me and I hope that their stories bring you joy in reading them, even if it can be a little horrific. So yeah. Check out that song I guess. It's one of my favorites. Love you guys! Bye!

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