~Euphoria Part 1~

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It was a cloudy morning when I was walking down the park with my large hoodie, I sighed and looked at the sky. Gray and cloudy. It reminded me of my life. Dull and boring. Un-eventful. My eyes started to tear up. But I wiped them before I could start. I just kept walking. I thought to himself. "I wish things would be better.. I wish I could live a more exciting and accepting life.." I prayed. "Your Wish Is Granted." A voice suddenly said. I suddenly looked forward and saw a portal and tripped into it."WH-AHHHHHH-" My world went dark. I thought I was finally dead, I thought my days of gaming and sleeping in were over. I thought I would never see my family ever again. Until..

"Hey~ Wake up sleeping beauty~!" A mysterious voice said. I stirred up in this mysterious wooden bed and awoken to a short blonde boy with massive green orbs peering at me. "AH WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!?-" I shouted. "I'm Meliodas gorgeous~! You crashed into the front of my bar this morning and slept for 2 days straight." Meliodas replied. I looked around and thought to myself "This doesn't look like california..where the hell am I?.." Meliodas scanned me up and down "You have a lot of clothing on.. Are you overweight?" He asked obliviously. "I- And if I was, I don't care if you fat shame me. Go ahead. What fucks left do I have got to give." My eyes grew dark and my head started hurting probs because of the crash. Meliodas looked at me and said "Who said I would fat shame you?- I thought since you wore a lot of oversized clothing you were overwei-" just then a pig busted in and screeched "ALRIGHT I'VE HEARD ENOUGH OF THIS BULL HONKEY. MELIODAS CAN'T YOU SEE YOUR HURTING THE POOR BOY." The pig kept screeching while smacking Meliodas. I looked and said. "T-that pig talks. A t a l k i n g p i g. W h e r e t h e f u c k a m I?" The pig looked at me and said "I apologize for this buffoon but you are in the world of britannia! Where magic and love perspire! I am Sir Hawk Of The Knighthood Of Scraps Disposal!" I looked him dead in the eyes and said "Alright I'm just gonna head out. I appreciate this hospitality but I have to get back to my home.. My home, oh no.." "What's wrong?" Mel said. "I was teleported here.. I can't go home.. My family.."

I got out the bed and ran downstairs outside the bar. The atmosphere was completely different from California, it was a clear sunny day, the air was clear, the grass was green and alive, the trees were singing, the birds were flying across the skies, life was thriving here. I audibly gasped. "This isn't california.." Hawk snorted and walked outside "Well yeah this isn't whatever you're talking about this is Britannia!" I sat down and sighed "May I have a bit of a moment alone please..?" I asked. "Of course." Hawk replied. "Hawk can we talk inside?" Meliodas asked quietly. "Sure Meliodas." Hawk replied while walking inside "What's up?" He asked "That boy.. When he woke up I looked at his eyes.." Meliodas said sadly "What about his eyes..?" Hawk asked. "They looked so lifeless and dead, like no one cared for him, or no one showed him human kindness or caring at all in the entirety of his life.. It's like he's drained all his love.. I feel terrible." Meliodas said sadly. Hawk was genuinely surprised. He had never seen Meliodas like this the only time he's only seen him like this was when he was in private when he saw Diane kiss Elizabeth. But ever since he dropped those feelings he's been cheery ever since. "Meliodas. Are you thinking about trying to help this kid?" Hawk asked silently. "I dont know.."

He said quietly. "If you want to. I'll allow it, I just don't wanna see my friend getting hurt again.." Hawk said sadly. "REALLY!?" Meliodas perked up instantaneously. "Sure meliodas." Hawk said laughing slightly. Meliodas picked up the pig and squeezed him with a squeal. "OKOKOkOK PUT ME DOWN YOU'RE GONNA BREAK MY PORK LOINS'' Hawk screeched. "Hehehe okk Hawk." Meli said. "I'm gonna go over to him." He said. "Alright but remember dont be stupid or blunt or oblivious or retarded or-" "I GET IT HAWK" Meli yelled. Meliodas went over to me and asked "By the way I never asked for YOUR name, what IS your name anyway?" He asked. I snap out of my daze and say "HUH- Oh- it's you- and my name is Y/n." Meliodas looked at me excited at me and I glared at him with a slight scowl. "Y/n.. That's a beautiful name.. It's related to the greek name Athena and is translated to the word wise."

A slight blush runs to my cheeks ''O-oh thank you- I'm not very wise- If anything my mother is wi-" I suddenly realize what I said and my face grew sorrowful. "What's wrong?" Meliodas asked. "My mother.. She must be worried to death.. Oh god.. Everyone must be worried about me.." I said. "Hey hey hey... it's-its gonna be ok, dont-dont worry." Meliodas said, starting to panic. "Why do you care? I just met you like 10 minutes ago. I barely know you." I say darkly. "I-I just don't like seeing new friends sad at all, I'm just a very caring person ehehe.." He said nervously. "Oh- Well MY BAD FOR MISSING MY MOTHER IN ANOTHER WORLD." I say exasperated. Meliodas sighs and wraps an arm around me. "Since we just met, let's be friends." He said warmly. This caught my attention. I've never had a real friend since 8th grade. Why is this boy trying to be my friend now? "How can I trust you..?" I said quietly. Meliodas looked at me surprised and said "Because I always protect my friends!" He said with an overly large grin. I smiled slightly annoyed. "Ok Meliodas it's a deal, let's be friends."

End Of Part 1.

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