~Euphoria Part 13~

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 (Some parts may be in third person to add effect etc)

"Y/n..?" Meliodas said in utter horror. "Darling~! I got something for you~!" Y/n said happily. Meliodas got a good look at him. He was completely covered in blood, his face bloody and scratched up. But the blood wasn't his. It was someone else's. He looked at his clothes which were surprisingly cleaner than his other areas of his body. But still bloody. His mind was swarming with thoughts when Y/n leaned over to him and said. "I want YOU to choose, A or B?" Y/n said, smiling wide. "W-well I don't know which one to choose.. How about A.?" Meliodas asked nervously. Y/n's smile grew more unrealistic and lifted one bloody hand holding.. A head. A human head. And it was none other than Ami's. Meliodas gasped in sheer terror and stepped back. He tried keeping his composure but after his lover coming back after 5 hours or more keeping his composure was. Impossible. Meliodas started screaming in panic. "What's wrong? Do you not like it?" Y/n said sadly. Zeldris and Arthur come out running to view the utter horror that happened. "Jesus christ.." Zeldris said in shock. Right then and there Meliodas screamed. "THAT'S NOT MY LOVER, SOMETHING POSSESSED HIM TO DO THAT- Y/n- COME BACK TO ME." Just then Y/n said. "Mel..?" He looked at his hand and the sword in the other and said. "What have I..done..?" while completely passing out, dropping the sword and head. Meliodas ran over to him while checking if he's okay. "Y/n? Y/n? SOMEONE GET HELP-" He cried until Zel patted his shoulder. "He'll be okay. Calm down. We needa clear this area though. It'll cause panic in Camelot." He said silently. "Okay.. Let's get out here." Meliodas said quietly. Zeldris snapped his fingers and two guards came out of the room while ordering them to clean up the mess and to find the rest of the dead body, and to set up a burial. The rest was a blur. Meliodas and the two flew back to the BoarHat. They closed up the shop as the sins stared in utter horror as Meliodas explained what happened. An argument started on whether I was possessed or if this was something controlling me.

It ended with Meliodas yelling for them to shut up and to stop the debate while his lover is in this state. The whole time. I could hear everything.. Some things were said. With Meliodas saying he doesn't want me to be a monster.. Heh.. That hit somewhere real hard. The argument ended and Meliodas took me to our room to clean me up and to set me to bed. Funny I woke up on the flight. But didn't open my eyes. Because I didn't wanna wake up to reality. I'm scared of what's gonna happen.

~Tomorrow Evening~
I wake up in silence. Meliodas isn't next to me. My heart aches at the sight. I hop out of bed and walk to the bathroom and look in the mirror. "Am I a monster..?" I thought while looking at myself. My thoughts ran for a while, it ended up with me in the corner of the room crying my eyes out. A couple hours later I hear a knock at the door. "Y/n? You awake? Are you okay..?" Elizabeth asks. I walk towards the door and slowly open it. I stare through the door with a hollow stare. "Hey.. You okay? I got you some hot dinner." I look at the food and look up back at her. Eyes devoid of emotion. "Listen.. Meliodas is worried about you. He's really worri-" "If he's worried about me so much. Then where is he." "W-well he's outside- Talking with Sir Ban-" "Cool. Then I'm not needed here anymore. I'll take my leave now." I say walking towards my bag. "W-wait WHAT?? You're leaving??" "I said what I said Liz. I'm leaving." I say pushing her out of the way. "But wait- Meliodas needs you.." She says sadly. "Elizabeth. Meliodas said it last night. He doesn't want a monster." I say coldly. "You- You heard everything last night?" Elizabeth says in shock. "I heard everything. I heard it all. Nothing was possessing me or controlling me. Nothing. I did this all by myself. And Meliodas hates me for that. But it's okay." I say walking to the door. "But-" "I'm sorry. It was nice being your friend. Goodbye." I say opening the door and walking out. Meliodas saw me and ran over to me. "Hey! You okay?? What are you doing out of bed?" He asked happily while holding my hand. I snatched my hand away and gave him the coldest stare I ever gave someone. "Y/n.? What's wrong." He says nervously. The wind blows between us. "We're done." I say coldly.

Meliodas' face grows from happily nervous to shocked and panicked. "W-what? What did I do..?" I walk away from him "Y/n WHAT DID I DO??" He shouts while grabbing my hand. "Isn't it obvious. Find out yourself." I snapped. "No.. It ISN'T WHAT DID I DO??" He shouts while tightening his grip. "Let me go Meliodas." "NO I WON'T UNLESS YOU TELL ME WHAT I DID TO YO- *SLAP*" Ban shot up in shock while the other sins watched from the windows of the bar. "YOU WANNA KNOW WHAT YOU DID. FINE. I'LL TELL YOU. HOW ABOUT I YELL IT OUT TO YOU. I MEAN IM A FUCKING MONSTER AREN'T I? I THOUGHT YOU'D NEVER WANT TO BE WITH A MONSTER. YOU SAID IT YOURSELF." I scream while crying. He stood in shock at the slap while hearing me scream my lungs out. "I HEARD EVERYTHING MELIODAS. EVERYTHING." He tried reaching for me but I slapped his hand away. "I'm leaving Meliodas. Don't come look for me. Ever." I said while stopping time. "I thought you loved me.. No matter what I did.." I say while he stood there frozen in time. (Third person) Y/n plants a pain filled kiss on his lips. And runs off sobbing. Away from the sins, away from the kingdoms, away from everyone. Time started up again and Meliodas stood there, not knowing what to feel. He fell to his knees. Ban and Elizabeth walked up to him. "Cap'n.. What have you done.." He says. "Sir Meliodas.. Do you realize what you've done..?" Elizabeth says sadly. A stream of never ending tears flowed from Meliodas' eyes while crying. "I'm sorry.." He covered his face and started bawling while his lover. Is gone. Never to be seen again. 

End Of Part 13. 

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