~Euphoria Part 8~

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"-sigh- I'm debating whether I should train with Meliodas or chill. Hmmmm..." I thought. "Eh, I feel like getting up today I guess I'll train with Meliodas." I walked downstairs to see the gang all geared up for..something. "Oh good you're here!" Mel said excitedly. "Uh huh.. Why are y'all in armor?" I asked curiously. "We're going on a mission, we would've left a while ago but the captain was debating whether we should take you along to test how far your skills have come." Merlin explained. "I see.. I feel like that's a good idea. I do wanna see how far my power has come since I've been training with you guys." I said. "Then it's settled, you're coming with us!!" Meliodas shouted happily. "Let's get you some ARMO-" "I've already got that settled with Merlin Meliodas, I know you would put me in some heavy ass armor so I can't move." I interrupt. "Oh- Okay!" I headed into the bathroom and closed the door behind me to change. "I wonder what his armor is gonna look like!! I'm excited!" Diane exclaimed. I come out of the room, with dark iron, armor (it's a crop top) spiked shoulder pads, black clothing, a horned dark iron crown and iron mask, fingerless gloves, and dark iron side flaps. "It fits perfectly Merlin! I love it!" I say happily. "I'm glad you like it, It suits your style well. The captain is drooling as well!" Merlin said amused. I sighed and smacked his head, knocking him out of his daze. "Huh- What- Oh- I love the suit~" Meliodas said immodestly. "Get your head out of your pants. We have a mission don't we?" I snapped. "Alright then, Let's head out everyone! We got a monster to kill." Meliodas said seriously. We all headed out to the requested location and got ready for battle. I was given a pill that increases my spirit strength and reaction time (for safety purposes).

~At the designated location.~
The whole area was scorched and blackened by ash. The others looked so serious, as if this wasn't serious enough an ugly beast arose from the black cloud of dust and ash. Extremely muscled, boar like fangs, a massive axe in its hands. Around 15 feet tall. It's presence intimidated the sins, including Meliodas. Which was surprising, I'm being honest here that the presence it was emanating looked like it could destroy cities in fact kingdoms single handedly. It roared a deep growl. "Alright sins, we need to destroy that thing before it gets to the other kingdoms." They all nod and ready for attack while I sit back and watch.(Mel changed his mind and he didn't want me fighting.) So I sighed and watched as they fought the beast. A few seconds past and I look up from my daze to see. They were losing, Meliodas tried to fight back but apparently got stabbed by the monster. "MELIODAS NO-" I screamed. "STAY AWAY DON'T GET ANY CLOSER." He yelled. "DON'T WORRY I'M FIN-'' right as he said that he was knocked away against a tree, his blood splattering on the bark. "Meliodas.. No.." I breathed. I walk up to his injured body. He was still breathing. "How dare you.. How dare you hurt him like that." I say without turning. The sins look at me confused. "You bitch. I'm gonna make sure you wish you're never born." I say with a blank stare, eyes on the verge of insanity. I slowly got up and walked to the monster. "Hit me you piece of shit see what happens." I snarl. The monster raised its axe prepared to strike. The second it swung I screamed. "EYES OF HEAVEN. *SHIMMER*" The world went gray.

(skip to 0:50 for sound effect!)

The sins were frozen in time. Nothing was moving, the axe completely stopped in its tracks. "So.. this is my power huh?" I say quietly. "I'll put it to good use." I say slowly. *SHIMMER* "around 7 seconds is my limit. That's more than enough time." As I say that, a barrage of punches landed on the monster. "ORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORA- ORAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" The final blow struck a hole through its chest crushing it's heart. Time started to slowly move forward again and when time started. The punches blew the monster into pieces making a massive *BOOM*, pieces of the monster flew into the sky, splattering on the ground. The sins looked in awe and horror at the same time. "Such devastating power.. And all in an instant." Merlin said gratified by the power emitted. "I appreciate the compliments, but we have a captain to heal." I say solemnly. "Meliodas will be just fine Y/n, he's awake already." I look behind to see an awestruck Meliodas walking slowly towards me. "Did you.. Do that?" He asked. "Indeed I did, I went insane seeing my love getting hurt." I replied.

To respond to what I said he just hugged me tight and said. "It's okay.. You can cry now.. I'm sorry I scared you." He said earnestly. To that which I respond with. "You.. fucking idiot. Don't ever scare me like that again.." I say sobbing into his arms. "I thought I was gonna lose your stupid ass." I say choking.  He stroked my hair while I cried into his arms. "I won't ever scare you like that again okay?" He said calmly. "Fine. Remember our promise." I breathed. "I won't ever forget it. I protect you, you protect me." He replied, I nod. "Good, now let's go home, you obliterated this monster. Good job kitten~" He purred. "Guess what I did, to destroy that monster I mean." I shouted. "What did you do to destroy it, I would love to know~" He replied. "I stopped time!" I say with a smile. When I say that the sins stop in their tracks. "You stopped time? But that's defying the rules of this reality-" King said. "No one is born with the same reality king. No one is born the same, we all have different beliefs and concepts of reality, we may be in a loop or mirage. What does reality truly mean? To me, reality means I'm simply living in my own world. And all of you are too. We're all living in our own reality, which we are shaped by our own beliefs and visions. That is why I'm going to change my reality. Because It's my destiny to do so." I replied. The sins stood in shock in light of what I said. "I respect your decision." Meliodas said happily. "Thank you bubs, I'm tired of stopping time for 8 seconds." I say exasperated. "8 SECONDS??-" The sins shouted. "YES 8 SECONDS NOW LET'S GO HOME." I screeched. 

~Back that the Boar Hat~

"Sooooo, are we gonna talk about what happened back at the battle field?" Meliodas asked. "To sum it all up Mel, I stopped time and obliterated the monster, what else is there more to add." I reply. "Well... what about that part where you were crying for me and you thought I was gonna die~ Hmm Kitten?~" Meliodas snickered. I spat out my drink in surprise. "THAT DOESN'T COUNT AS ANYTHING OKAY?" I shouted. My face grew red. "Awww~ Is the kitten growing red~? Is little Y/N doing okay~? You have a fever cutie~? Or is it me~" He called. "I- FUCK YOU- *angry bird noises*" Meliodas' expression grew lustful. "Maybe I will fuck you~" He adds. "I- NO WA-" He picks me up bridal style and heads up to our room. His breath grew slow and paced.
(smut warning.)
He threw me on the bed and threw his shirt off. Y/N could tell immediately that he was turned on. The kiss was fiery, passionate, and w e t. Tongues crashing for dominance. They delatched from the kiss gasping for air. Meliodas took the chance to latch on to Y/N's neck, leaving love marks and bites everywhere. The sounds leaving Y/N's mouth made Meliodas hungry for more. Their lengths growing. Meliodas took notice and rubbed Y/N's length with his hand. Causing sinful whines to arise. He threw their clothes off (instead of Y/N's shirt) away. He slid his length in and moaned a great sound of pleasure. Passion and heat in the air. The burning incense causes greater pleasure to arise. Lengths at max exent. Meliodas used his chance to swallow Y/N's length causing sinful yelps and screams. The amount of pleasure being emitted caused both to climax on eachother. They lay next to each other looking into eachothers eyes. A last and final innocent kiss before they sleep nuzzling each other for the night.

End of Part 8.

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