3: Rewrite the Future

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❖Murasakibara's POV//Present❖

        It was just as Se-chin said. When we gathered the rest of the people who were at the accident, they all remembered the accident clearly well. Aka-chin, Mine-chin, Mido-chin all remembered the accident. Could this be a coincidence? We knew it wasn't though. It was something different. It was a chance of starting anew.

        "So we all have gone back in time?" Mine-chin asks, sounding surprised.

        "Hmph. So that's what this was all about. No wonder why everything seem so similar." Mido-chin said, taking out his glasses and clean them.

        "Everything went back at the time the accident happened. I think it safe for us to believe that no one else know besides us." Kuro-chin said.

        "So should we reset and start all over?" Se-chin asks.

        "Sounds like a good idea." I agreed. "I mean if we start all over we could find the reason why (L/N)-chin's death and prevent it."

        "Not to mention our grades will go up!" Se-chin said, pumping his fist.

        "Baka. Do you actually remember the curriculum we learned three years ago?" Mido-chin asks Se-chin. Se-chin flinch, realizing that and looks down disappointed. I look at Aka-chin, who hasn't said anything yet.

        "What's wrong Aka-chin?" I asks.

        "It's nothing." he said. He looks at Kuro-chin with something in his mind.

        I look around all of us who seems to be talking but thinking of something deep inside. As I took a bite of my bread, I wonder why (L/N)-chin died.

        "So out of all of us here, who met (L/N)-cchi here first?" Se-chin asks.

        "I did." Aka-chin answers. Everyone's eyes were on Aka-chin. "I think we should leave things the way they are now. I want to be the one to meet (L/N) first."

        "That's fine with me." Se-chin said.

        "Oke." I answered.

        "Doesn't matter to me." Mido-chin said.

        Even if it happened once. It was the most precious encounter I don't want to forget.

❖Akashi's POV//Past❖

        It just happened suddenly. She was running, having a bread in the mouth. It's like what you see in anime or mangas. She had some bruises on her arms and legs. It wasn't bad but it was noticeable. I was just walking to class as normal. I could hear the sound of people chattering.. probably talking about me. It's tiring coming from a rich family. But I couldn't help it. If I remember right, even she had family problems as well.

        (L/N) just bumped into me. Some of the crumbs got on my shirt. I looked at her as she rub her nose, the bread still on her mouth. It was funny. When she looked at who she bumped into, she was surprised. She look at my shirt that have some bread crumbs on it. "Ah. Sorry!"

        "It's okay." I said, wiping it off of me. I looked at her, the bread dropped on the ground. She picks up the bread and threw it in the trashcan. (L/N) walks backs to me and bows to apologize. She walks away like she didn't knew anything but when she smiles after bowing. Her smile left a deep impression of me.

❖Akashi's POV//Present❖

        Ah. Today should be the day. I looked around. "I'll be fine here. Thank you for driving me."

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