13: Momoi

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❖Momoi's POV//Past❖

I always seen her around near Tetsu-kun and the boys. But when I don't, I see her alone, being bullied or getting beat up. And what do I do? I do nothing. No, more like I watch them pick on (L/N)-san. Yes, I know, its bad for me to be watching the scene take action but I don't want to get involved. Can you blame me for being the bystander? No. You can.

Even though I saw her getting bullied often, I did nothing. I kept it to myself. I was even asked to help torture her.

"Do you want to help Momoi-san?" the girl asks. I shook my head, smiling nervously. I look at the poor girl getting bullied. Her hair being pulled while the rest of the girls laugh. As I watched the scene taking place, she looked at me for help. (L/N)-san looked at me with those painful expressions in her eyes, yet I did nothing. I just stood there and flinch when she gave me a look. But in the end, I still did nothing.

When she died, I was sitting on a desk, near the windows. I was just eating lunch with my friends and as I looked outside, (L/N)-san had fall down. She fell down like she had fell from the sky. When I saw her, I screamed and fell off the chair. My eyes widen, feeling scared.

Everyone started rushing to me, first to see if I was alright, and see (L/N)-san's body smashed on the ground. Someone yelled for the teacher. It happened all to fast.

I could still hear the sirens from an ambulance car ringing in my head.


I thought she cursed me. I woke up, confused with the date. It was like I went back in time. I didn't ask Aomine-kun if anything was different He acted the same as usual. Everything felt like de ja vu. Like I had this conversation with him to school before.

It didn't took me long enough that I realized I've time leap. At first, I thought it was a good way to start over my regrets. I just never thought how-fast the future changes.


Tetsu-kun and (L/N)-san became friends quickly. I was afraid that he was going to be taken away. Even Aomine-kun talks about her from time to time. They would talk to her a lot. Why? It was me who used to hang out with them so much? She wasn't even a manager. Why? Why? Why? This didn't happened three years ago.

❖Momoi's POV//Present❖

I thought she cursed me to be alone. Atone for my sin. That it was my fault for not helping her. I was scared.

When I saw her getting bullied and those girls asked me to help them, you know what I said?

I answered yes with a smile.

(L/N)-san glares at me this time, now that I'm helping them. Because of that, I looked at her with envy. She looked at me with pain and hate in her eyes. I didn't care though. Because I hated her as well.

❖Kise's POV//Present❖

It was weird. (Y/N)-cchi was hiding something from me. I noticed her clothes were wrinkled or it look like it was covered with dirt. Was she being bullied again?

So after school, I decided to hide in the lockers that was in the classroom for the janitor. I heard noises and giggles coming closer and closer to the classroom. Worried, I was in a rush so I went inside the locker.

I accidently stepped on the bucket as I shut the door. The mop hits my forehead. Just when I was about to say ow, I heard the door open. My heart felt a little tense and I was scared and worried. I hope so much that I wouldn't make a sound or move an inch to let them know that I'm here. I was breathing as soft as I can, trying desperately not to move. The only thing I heard the loudest was my own heartbeat.

"Hahahaaha, did you hear about (L/N) (Y/N)?" one of the girl asks.

"About her might getting raped?" the second girl who was with her, answers, texting on her phone. I watch them silently, still a bit confused.

"Serves her right for hanging out with the guys!"

"I wonder who thought about the rape? Do you know whose doing it with (L/N)-san?"

"I heard it was-" the door flies open. I was a bit shocked and surprised that I did move, and the mop hit my face again.

"If you want to see the show, you can. Another girl is torturing her right now, it's hilarious!"

"Eh, who?" the girl looks at the locker I was in as I rapidly fell down. The mop hits my head again. "Ow." I first said. I got up on my feet quickly, "Please! Can you tell me where (L/N)-cchi is!?"

"Kise-sama!" At first, the girls were a bit hesitant to take me but thanks a lot to my natural good looks, they couldn't refused. When they took me to the classroom, I opened it, and as the door opens, I heard a familiar voice.

The first person I saw was (Y/N)-cchi, looking horrified and terrified, laying on the ground tied up. A guy was in front of her, having a surprised look on his face when he saw me. I don't even know what my expression was at the time-surprised or angry. But whatever it was, I was surprised to see the person taking photos of the scene. It was the peach colored hair girl that I knew-Momoi-cchi.

❖Momoi's POV//Present❖

"Momoi-cchi!?" Ki-chan said. I looked at him a bit, surprised that he knew (L/N)-san was here. But then I saw a couple of girls behind him, which let me out on a small tch, and making me puff my cheeks.

"Oho, Ki-chan!"I said, happily, trying to not realize the situation that was going on.

"What are you doing?!" Ki-chan asks. He looked at me furiously.

"Hey man! If you want, you can do (L/N) first." the boy assures him, walking up to pat Ki-chan's shoulder.

"Don't even say such a thing!" Ki-chan glares at the guy I brought in. He walks up to (L/N)-san, asking if she was alright. The girl nods as the model picks her up, wedding style. He stops as he gets to the door. "Momoi-cchi, I'm disappointed in you. I didn't think you were the person to do this."

"For what? Bullying? I was only playing with her. It's her fault. She's-"

"Momoi-cchi." he said with a serious tone. His back was facing me. The Ki-chan I knew wouldn't act like this towards me, right? This isn't the Ki-chan I know, right? Ki-chan never felt so far before.

"It's.." And then she spoke. She had to speak. "It's not her fault. She only did this out of jealousy. Being jealous is normal." she pauses for a moment. "I don't ming being hated. I just hate being misunderstood."

Ki-chan starts to walk off as I grind my teeth while my anger overwhelming me. I have never felt more hurt and angry at the same time.


Momoi has been caught! But was she the only reason why Reader-chan is suffering right now?

What will the guys do?

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