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❖3rd Person//Present❖

        It was mid-fall. (Y/N) was strolling around, watching the scenery around her. The fresh air and the cold breeze made the trees gently moving. Leaves were falling and it was bright orange evening. The female soon stops in front of a church and looks at it carefully. She heard someone singing. (Y/N) walks on the steps and looks at the grand door. When she opens it, the church had suddenly became quiet. (Y/N) stared inside the church, realizing it was dark. She had closed the door and walk to the street to stare at the church once more. Again, someone started to sing again. (Y/N) for one, didn't believe in ghosts. Even if it was a ghost, the female's cheeks turn pink with a huge grin on her face.

        'The ghost's voice is pretty.' (Y/N) then began to stroll on her walk once more.

        "(Y/N)-neesan!" a little girl cried out to the (h/c) haired girl. (Y/N) turns around, quickly recognizing the voice.

        "Natsu!" (Y/N) said, going up to hug the girl.

        "Are you really leaving?" (Y/N) looked at the girl surprised and smile sadly. You nod. "Why? Why can't you stay with us longer? (Y/N)-neesan, still hasn't smiled yet. You don't look happy yet! You still look very sad."

        "Natsu, I am happy."

        "No, you're not. You're always thinking about something. Everytime you do think, you always looked so sad. I want (Y/N)-neesan to be happy." Natsu had started to weep. "At least say goodbye to onii-chan properly."

        "Okay." (Y/N) agrees and started walking with the little girl. It was not too soon after that the both of them encounter Natsu's big brother.

        "Natsu! Did you find her?" Hinata calls out to his sister, looking at (Y/N), who was behind her, realizing his answer. Hinata puts his hands on his knees, and pants. 


        "(L/N)-san, what is the meaning of this?" he shows the female a letter. It was (Y/N)'s goodbye letter. When the female sees this, she looks away, smiling fakely. "Are you really leaving?" You nod. Natsu had then realized something, and started to ran off.

        "I'll be right back!" As soon as the little girl was out of sight, Hinata clenches the letter, looking at the ground sadly. "Is that so..? (L/N)-san, I don't think your friends are angry at you. I don't think they hate you neither. I think that want you to open up to them. Even though, I never met themselves myself, I truly think that you should try to talk to them and clear up this misunderstanding. And when you do, you can come back here with your friends. I'll be waiting for you, (L/N)-san. Mom will be glad to have you again. We can have a homemade dinner again."

        "Shoyo." (Y/N) clenches her hand and smile. 

        "(Y/N)-neesan!!!" Natsu yells, holding something in her hand. It was a four leaf clover. She quickly runs up to (Y/N), handing her the green leaf. "Onii-chan told me that this will definitely make you happy. I want (Y/N)-neesan to always be happy. I wish for your happiness the most. So please (Y/N)-neesan don't be sad anymore. Please come visit us soon."

        "Thank you, Natsu." said (Y/N). She stands up and looks at Natsu. "Shoyo, please say goodbye to your mom for me. Tell her I'm sorry I wasn't there to say my goodbyes. Good luck in getting to Karasuno. I wish you the best in luck with volleyball. Goodbye."

        "(Y/N)-neesan, will be back, right?" Natsu cries. Hinata who was holding onto his sister's little head nods.

        "She will. Cause I believe in her."


        "Sorry, Shoyo. Natsu. I don't think I'll be able to come back." the female said as she looks back. 'But now that you told me all this, I don't know what to do...'

❖Murasakibara's POV//Present❖

        It has been more than a year since (Y/N)-chin's disappearance. Every day, Kuro-chin tries to find her, hoping she would come back or at least near the area. We have never forgotton (Y/N)-chin's existence. If we did, what was the whole point in trying to save her? Didn't we came back to save her? Those were our thoughts and everyday our mind was always on her at least. I really want to see (Y/N)-chin soon. I hope she isn't what I think she may be. Where is she? I don't want to believe that she can be dead. I want to give (Y/N)-chin a hug when she comes back..

        "Murasakibara-cchi! Did you hear? Did you hear? We have a new transfer student!" Kise-chin said, smiling.

        "Hmm.. I don't really care."

        "You should be curious. I heard they're going to be in Aomine-cchi and Midorima-cchi's class! Is it strange for a third year to be transferring here this time of year?"

        "Not really. I mean we finished all our testing. It's spring." I tell him.

        "It would be really great if it was (Y/N)-cchi was the one transferring here." It would be. If only that was the case.

❖Aomine's POV//Present❖

        I was late to class like always. Midorima was already in his seat and I took the seat right in front of him. I heard the class was fussing around, so I started to poke on Midorima's green hair.

        "What is it?" Midorima asks with an annoyed tone.

        "What's the fuss about?"

        "A transfer student." Midorima answers.

        "Eh? Why now? We're graduating in about a week and a half."

        "I don't know either." 

        "Okay, calm down. Calm down." the teacher said, coming into the classroom. "I know you guys heard about the fuss about our new transfer student. The reason we accepted her was because she had came to this school before. She had already filled in her paper works and will be graduating with you guys. Some of you may already know her. Come on in."

        The door had opened as mine and Midorima's mouth look at the person wide open. We couldn't believe who we saw. Standing before us was the girl we've been waiting for a long time. (L/N) (Y/N) was finally back.

        "Hello. I'm (L/N) (Y/N). Some of you may know me. Well I'm back." the female's eyes weren't looking at either me or Midorima. Somehow, (Y/N) felt even farther away then before.


(Y/N) is finally back but the boys have more to worry! The story continues...

I just realized that Wattpad is now currently updated with Quotev. owo.. (for this story i mean)

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