Chapter 5

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Marcy POV

"Surprise!" The Plantar's shouted as they revealed the birthday cake. It was a brown mud cake sloppily set onto a platter. It was practically liquid so I could tell they messed up the recipe. I'm not one to judge since I know I can't cook either. We both stepped inside as Hop Pop put the cake down on a counter. I'm just noticing the small chocolate covered crickets on top as sprinkles. My hand reaches into my satchel to grab a sticky note, writing a reminder to sketch the cake later. "Are you all ready to sing happy birthday?" Hop Pop exclaimed. "Yep!" Sprig said, grabbing a knife to cut the cake with. "But make sure Polly doesn't join in. We all know what happened last time she sang...". Everyone gathered around the table and began singing. Overall, we sounded like a mess. Sprig was off key and Hop Pop was struggling to remember the lyrics. Polly disobeyed her brother and started screaming at the top of her lungs. My ears couldn't even comprehend what I sounded like.

"-Mar Mar are you okay?" Anne softly touches my shoulder as I realize the singing stopped. The candles were blown out and there was already a slice of cake before me. "Yeah totally!" I chuckle and reach towards a wooden fork. Anne raised her eyebrow but shook it off. Despite the appearance, the cake tasted great. I summoned my journal and started jotting the information down. Anne got seated next to me while eating. I could feel her eyes burning holes into the pages of my notebook. "So..." She started. "I need to talk to you about-". "Anne!" Sprig interrupted from the other side of the room.

"Come open your gift!"

"Coming!" She replied before shoving the remaining cake down her throat.

I followed into their cozy living room and settled on the couch. A medium sized present box sat on the coffee table. I watched as it was unwrapped to reveal a pair of timberland boots. "Ta-da!" Hop Pop did jazz hands. "I bought you some boots from the Newt that came over a few days ago!". Anne got up and embraced her grandfather, Sprig and Polly joining in. I awkwardly stared at them, fidgeting my hands because there wasn't anything else to do. A stray hand gestured at me to join their bonding moment. "Come here Marbles" she called to me. "You're part of the family too!". I winced at her choice of words. Family? So she saw me as family!? Way to get friendzoned. Or family-zoned? I'll have to look up the proper term later.

We talked for hours before we deciding to call it a night. Hop Pop went to sleep immediately while Sprig and Polly tried staying up with us. That didn't work out because they both fell asleep in 2 seconds. Me and Anne were the last remaining. Her phone's light illuminated the room as we binged the newest season of Suspicion Island. I have no idea why she likes that unrealistic show but I can't deny that it isn't entertaining.

"I can't believe Chris just friendzoned Emma" Anne tossed some popcorn in her mouth. "He totally had feelings for her".  "Unbelievable right?" I fake laughed as their situation mirrored ours. Except I had no idea if Anne liked me back. She most likely didn't, who would have feelings for a clumsy nerd like me? "But Chris, please!" Emma pleaded. "I've liked you since day 3!". What a coincidence that I discovered my feelings for Anne in 3rd grade. "I'm sorry Emma" Chris whispered as he fell off the rocky cliff. The female screamed as the credits started rolling. The scene was so dramatic that it made us burst into laughter. Her sweet laughter was music to my ears, even though she did start to sound like an evil disney villain. "No! Chris, you loved her!" Anne had to pause and take short breaths in between her words. "Ah! the popcorn fell onto the floor!". I wiped away my tears and realized I kicked over the bowl. Classic me. "Sorry" I mumbled while picking up each kernel. My hand reached to clean up, but accidentally touched Anne's in the process. A smirk tugged on her lips as she took the kernel and put it back in the bowl. What was that!? This feels like a scene out of an anime. Frog she's so charming.

"...Earth to Marcy?" A brown hand waved at me. I have a serious problem with getting lost in my thoughts. "You okay?" She asked, probably repeated since I wasn't listening. "Sorry, I spaced out again" I replied as I slumped back onto the couch. "Are you sure?" Her voice was filled with concern. "You don't have to tell me but I'm here if there's anything on your mind".

"Have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you just can't?" I avoided eye contact.

"Hmmm" Anne hummed as she sat next to me. "Yep. One time, Sasha wanted me to break up with one of her boyfriend's, obviously because I'm the breakup queen. It was super hard to tell him since I knew that he really liked her".

"I'm in a similar situation"

"Really!?" She leaned over, eyes sparkling. "Who's the lucky girl!? Or guy!? Do you want me to set you up? Let me get my magazines-"

"IT'S SPRIG!" My mouth blurted out before covering it with my hands. She stopped in her tracks and her eyes widened. "What...what did you say?" Her words were spaced out in brief pauses. Oh frog, what have I gotten myself into?

I tried making this chapter a little longer since I realized how short mine are compared to other people's ><. That sounded wrong. Anyway, I'm still working on making longer chapters and improving my writing! See you next chapter!

Anne's Birthday (Marcanne fanfiction lol)Where stories live. Discover now