Chapter 7

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I know the timing in this story doesn't line up but I'm trying to fix it. Right now it's shortly after Barrels Warhammer so Marcy is still in Wartwood. Because it was Anne's birthday, that means a year has passed and I have no idea how to explain that (I didn't think about it while writing the 1st chapter). When I figure it out I'll tell you all but for now just pretend everything makes sense wkspwpkr

It was a busy day at the East Tower. Toad soldiers were sparing and getting ready for the upcoming invasion while Grime and his lieutenant planned in their makeshift tent. Candles lit the inside of the structure revealing buckets of bronze armor and spare swords. A map of Newtopia along with little clay soldier models stretched across the center table.

"We'll station about 200 soldiers west of the main gate" Grime said as he pointed his finger on the map then looked up to see his partners opinion. "Or should it be 300? What do you think Sasha? Sasha!?"

The girl set her phone down on the table, calendar app left open. "Yeah, that's good" she mumbled causing Grime to raise a brow. He grunted and closed the map.

"You need to take this more seriously" He gave a stern look. Sasha rolled her eyes at how ironic the statement was. Just weeks ago Grime was the unmotivated lazy one while Sasha did all the work.

"I am taking it seriously" she replied in an sour tone. "200 soldiers on each side of the wall is good". Grime nodded and walked out the tent. "Watch the soldiers for me while I inform Captain Bufo about the plan!" He grinned before skipping away. The blonde sighed and reached to her phone. It was gone. Realizing what happened, she gave out a scream as Grime snickered in the back.

The toad snuck through a wave of soldiers and took a seat on a sack in the corner of camp. "A little Suspicion Island won't hurt" he took out the stolen phone and entered the passcode. The screen lit up as the first thing that came up was the calendar app. A notification popped up with a birthday cake and noisemaker emoji.

Missed Anne's Birthday! It read.

Grime grumbled and closed it out. So she's still caught up on Anne. That explains her moody behavior today. She'll work it out eventually.


The training dummy swung back and forth as the girl struck it with force. She grit her teeth and punched it one last time, making it fly off it's wooden stand. Panting, she looked down at her red knuckles speckled with blood and faint yellow blotches that would soon turn purple. Looks like that's enough for today. Taking a sip of bog grog, her eyes looked up at the cloudy sky. It reminded her of the weather on her friend's fateful birthday.

Sasha POV

I crushed the drink in my palm before discarding it behind me. I'm sure someone else would put it in the recycling bin for me. My hands ached as I walked to the medical tent for some bandages. These leather gloves aren't doing me any justice. At least I still looked cool.

"Good morning lieutenant!" The nurse greeted me with her whiney annoying voice. She wore a typical nurse uniform with a messy brunette bun. I managed to gave a fake "hey girlfriend!" before opened up a fresh box of bandages, carelessly wrapping them around the injury. I'll most likely heal in 2 days so it didn't matter how neat they were. Footsteps came closer as the nurse snuck up behind me and studied my hands. "That's a lot of damage" she commented making me mentally groan. "I can take care of them myself" I snatched my hand away, which caused a sting of discomfort.

"Are you sure? I think you broke your knuckles-"

"I'm fine!"

"A-alright Sasha!" She finally backed off.

My fists slammed into the table, making my eyes water because of the sharp pain. Rushing out the tent, I entered the east tower and went into my room. It wasn't actually my room, just a guest room that Captain Bufo let me stay in before the invasion. A standard beige bed sat in the corner along with a vanity and small window. When I first saw the space, I demanded for better. There wasn't enough time to redecorate so this had to make do. I let out a sigh then plopped onto the bed, staring at the brick ceiling above. The distant shouts of soldiers rang through my ears. Frog this sucks. This was the first time I wasn't with Anne on her birthday. What was she doing right now? Having a grand time with Marcy and her frog family? Laughing and opening presents together? Did they even miss me? I curled up and tried shaking off the thoughts. Of course the girl's missed me! They had to miss me. My absence was making Marcy bawl her eyes out. Anne was shedding tears because she missed my expensive presents! They had to be! Right?

Anne's Birthday (Marcanne fanfiction lol)Where stories live. Discover now