Chapter 8

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Anne's POV

"Unbox those scream beans, would ya?" Hop Pop pointed at the box as we tended to our vegetable stand. After saving the town a few times, we managed to win back the people's trust and got our stand permit back.

"Got it HP!" I smiled with a thumbs up then started placing the vegetables on their rack. Sprig and Polly were out advertising to people while Marcy wandered around each vender. It was good to see her acting like normal after the whole "crush thing".

"Oh my gosh Anne!" I heard her cheerful voice run up from behind me. "They have a jewelry stand here!"

"Yeah, they do. Did you see anything you liked?" I asked instantly interested.

"Did I!?" Marcy enthusiastically repeated my question before unloading a bunch of jewels from her satchel. They shimmered and shined which made my eyes wince.

"I didn't take you as the type to like jewelry" I said, kneeling down and inspecting a ring.

"Oh Anne, this isn't just jewelry! Look at the gemstones very closely" She descended to my level and pointed at the ring in my hand. "That's snowflake obsidian, formed by felsic lava cooling down".

I nodded and recalled the time where she educated me and Sasha about gemstones. Rocks are rocks! I remembered Sasha saying.

"Oh! and this bracelet has sapphire beads!" Marcy turned to the bracelet and handed it to me. Her soft hands brushed against mine as I took the piece and put it on my wrist. The bracelet had azure blue crystals tied together by tweed thread. It rubbed against my skin uncomfortably but regardless it was pretty.

"It looks pretty cool" The gems glistened as I got back up, Marcy putting away the rest of the pieces, except for one. A polished viridian bracelet. I think she told me once that those kind were called peridot.

"This ones made of aventurine, it means creativity, prosperity and balance. There's other colors too but I could only find green".

Well, close enough.

"It suits you! what do the sapphires mean?" I asked her.

"Loyalty and prosperity" She replied. "T-They suit you too".

"Thanks Mar Mar-"

"Ahem!" We both jolted at the croak coming from behind us. Hop Pop stood with vegetable baskets in his hands, eyes narrow with that look that he's about to tell us off.

"Anne! I told you to unbox the beans!" He yelled with his hands up in the air.

"I was! but Marcy came and-"

My sentence got cut off by the ear piercing whining coming from the beans.

"Oooh those thing's have voices??" Marcy chirped. "That's so cool! Can I unbox them for ya?" She walked over and took the baskets from him.

"Sure Marcy, thanks for helping an old frog out" The elder flashed me a dirty look before going back to the front. I playfully rolled my eyes then joined in.


"....And done!" I wiped sweat off my forehead, tired from carrying boxes all day. "Phew, these crates are heavy. How did Hop Pop manage by himself before?"

"Frogs have super strong tongues so maybe mmsmmsmmsm" Marcy's voice got muffled by the 100 pound boxes stacked in her arms. "msnsnsmsmsm I think I'm gonna-"

"Marcy!" I quickly jumped in to prevent her from falling. The boxes made a loud crash which rang in our ears. Blinking then looking up, the beans scattered across the floor in mud.

"Thanks Anne" I heard Marcy say underneath me. "I don't know what I'd do without you".

"No problem-" I groaned then realized I was laying on top of her.

"Oh right!" I stammered then got up, holding out my hand to help her. Giving me a warm smile she took it, fixing her dark black hair afterwards.

"Kids!" We both sighed as Hop Pop ran over. Sprig was already on the scene, quickly putting the produce back in the box. HP's eyes glared left and right, then back at us. "Quick, get them off the ground before people see" He whispered while getting on his knees to help.

"Wait- you're gonna sell vegetables that were in the mud-" Sprig questioned and got interrupted.

"They won't know if we're fast enough!" Hop Pop snickered.

Me and Marc exchanged looks and laughed before joining in on the clean up.

The sun started to set which meant the market was closing. We all went back home, exhausted. Opening the front door, Polly immediately rolled into her bucket with her sleeping mask on.

"Goodnight fam" She snorted.

Sprig rubbed his baggy eyes as he entered his room, collapsing on the bed. "Goodnight to you too" I yelled into the house because I was still outside.

"Later Anne!" I turned around waving at Marcy who was heading towards the Fwagon. I already missed her despite us now just separating. Exhaling I turned around with my hand on the door knob when...

"Anne!" A familiar voice called out to me, too familiar. It can't be I thought, slowly turning back around to see a cloaked figure standing. Streaks of blonde hair peaked from her hood that she now removed, revealing my best friend.

"Sasha!" My hand immediately went to take out my tennis racket. "What are you- How did you-".

"I checked my journals and sapphires actually mean-" The fwagon door opened as Marcy stepped out gasping.



"What the heck is going on!?"

Yes... I am about to rewrite their whole reunion. Also I did watch true colors and it destroyed me :')

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