Chapter 3- Baseball Has Strategy?

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Kait and I had made our way to the cafeteria, that is, after getting lost and entering five different hallways until Zeke had finally found us. Of course, he thought it was so hilarious that we were lost.

"It happens to the best of us," he had said numerous times. "Just kidding, only you."

"You can't tell us that you didn't get lost at least once here," Kait had almost screamed.

"Actually no, I was Dauntless-born. However, even if I wasn't, I'd be able to find a place that's only, like two rooms over." He stated matter-of-factly.

When we reached the cafeteria, most of the food was gone. Not that I really had an appetite, I was too excited to eat.

"Shauna!" Zeke screamed, "I've been looking everywhere for you! Figures you'd be wherever food is!"

"Bite me," Shauna spoke, her mouth full of food.

Zeke sat down beside of her, leaving the last two seats in all of the cafeteria for Kait and me. "I brought fresh meat! Guys, this is Shauna. She worships the ground I walk on. Shaun, this is Kait and Rose."

"First jumper," Shauna nodded. "And call me Shaun again, and I'll remove a certain one of your organs, if you catch my drift."

I ate in silence while the others laughed and told stories, Shauna handing me a roll to munch on after my stomach started growling.

This wasn't like Erudite at all. Erudite was cold and hard. Dauntless was warm, fun, happy. I heard the happy voices all around me, laughing loudly.

Later, we return to the dormitory, where we all laid down to sleep, exhausted after a day full of changes. This has by far been the greatest adventure I've ever undergone.

Ever since Jeanine had taken to marking me with my nickname permanently, I found it difficult to sleep. I was always alert, always afraid. I suppose the change of faction still didn't take away my old sleeping habits. I awoke abruptly, looking around to see the other initiates were still soundly sleeping. The metal clock on the wall read 3:30 am. I had probably been asleep for around 4 hours. I slipped on the black combat boots that I had been given and walked out the door. I might as well take a stroll around the compound, since it would be pretty hard for me to fall back asleep.

I stopped at the chasm. The loud roar of rushing water was actually quite soothing. Maybe I could relax here and be able to sleep for at least a couple more hours. I sat on the metal bridge, letting my feet dangle over the side. It would be a pretty big fall if I made the wrong move, so I grasped ahold of the railing pretty tightly. I leaned my head against the stone wall at the end of the bridge, closing my eyes and concentrating on the sound of the river below.

"And what do you think you're doing here after curfew?" a rough voice called out from behind me.

I opened my eyes and looked behind me. The gentleman who had snapped at me earlier stood on the other side of the bridge. He wore black jogging pants, the kind that you would sleep in, and a tight, black tank top that showed his muscles off, as well as the tribal tattoos that circle his arms all the way to his shoulders.

"Eric," I breathed. "I didn't know there was a curfew."

"Yeah, well there is," he snapped. "You have to get back to the dorms. I'll walk you."

"No." I said, very bravely if you ask me.

"No?" he questioned, his eyes widening in anger.

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