Chapter 5- Princess

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I sat on the bridge at the chasm. It had been about two days since I had slept and I was running on empty. I closed my eyes and tried to focus on the sounds around me, but failing. Sleep wouldn't come no matter how hard I tried.

Eric hasn't come to the chasm since I "interrogated" him. It's better off this way, I supposed, maybe now I can just relax instead of punching a damn punching bag.

My eyes then became very heavy. I closed then, laying my head against the wall.

"Get up and report to the dorms." Eric ordered, jostling me awake.

"How long have I been asleep?" I asked.

"Why in the hell would I know? We're waking up the initiates." Eric grabbed my arm and jerked me upright.

"But, today's a free day! We don't have training." I said as he pulled me down the hallways.

"We're not training. It's a little Dauntless tradition." He informed me harshly.

"What tradition?" I asked.

"Does it matter? Now, pretend to be asleep." He said before we entered the dorms. "If people see us enter together, they'll think I'm banging an initiate."

I laid down on my bed as Eric roughly woke the rest of the initiates. "Get up, and be at the tracks in 15 minutes," he ordered.

I pulled my hair into a messy bun, staying dressed in my black, comfy pants and tank top. I headed upstairs to the tracks, leaving the other initiates behind me, still rushing to get ready.

Eric was the only one at the tracks, tapping his foot impatiently. The cold, night breeze blew against my bare arms, bringing about goose bumps and causing me to shiver.

"Really? You're not smart enough to bring a jacket?" Eric snapped.

I looked at him, but then averted my gaze to the ground, ignoring him.

"Goddammit," Eric spat, tearing off his leather jacket and roughly placing it over my shoulders.

"What's your problem?" I yelled.

"I'm nice enough to give you my jacket and you ask me what my problem is?" Eric scoffed.

"You're been such a jerk lately!" I screamed.

"I told you it wasn't an act. I'm a monster. The sooner you learn it the better." He whispered.

I started to reply, but stopped when Four approached us. "What's all this yelling about?" Four questioned.

"Princess here was too stupid to bring a jacket and started yelling until I would give her mine. Just trying to keep the peace." Eric responded.

I opened my mouth at Eric comment, but collected myself when the hoard of initiates began to arrive. We jumped onto the train and Four began to speak. "Today, we're going to partake in a little Dauntless tradition. As a Dauntless, I trust that you all will take this seriously. The game is Capture the Flag. It is exactly like the name suggests. Eric and I are team captains." Eric handed out strange looking guns as Four spoke.

"Dauntless-borns will be chosen first. Four, you can choose first. You'll need all the advantages you can get." Eric teased.

"Zack." Four chose.

"Patricia." Eric chose.

Soon, they began to choose transfers. "Edwin," Four chose.

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