Chapter 12- Gotcha!

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Today was a free day. Although I didn't get to sleep in as I'd hoped. Edwin chattering loudly and obnoxiously made me roll out of bed with a groan.

I looked over to Kait beside me, rubbing her eyes and then shooting an evil look at Edwin. He had disturbed her sleep too. It wasn't like any of the initiates were sleeping all too soundly due to people awakening with screams from nightmares or having nightmares of their own.

I looked up to see Eric walking into the room with his confident leader stride. "Rose, I need to talk to you for a moment," he announced, sounding as formal and professional as possible.

I whined as I jumped up from my bed and followed Eric to outside of the dormitory. He leaned against the stone wall. Today, he was wearing his usual tight black jeans and a black tank top. I thought to myself that a leather jacket would take the "bad boy" look over the top, but then I realized that he was never getting that leather jacket back.

"So, Four and I have thought of something and Max concurs with this idea." He began.

I raised an eyebrow for him to continue. "We noticed that you're having some trouble getting over your fear of... you know, Jeanine." I flinched at the sound of her name. "And, Max took the idea a little further and thought of a way to clear our names of the lies from that newspaper."

"Just spit it out, Eric," I demanded, impatient and cranky from being woken up.

"There's a ball at Erudite tonight, leaders and their dates only. They throw them every now and then to 'strengthen the bonds between factions' or whatever. But, Max wants you to go."

"How am I supposed to go if it's leaders only? And how is that going to clear our names?" I asked more calmly this time, trying to control my crankiness.

"You'd be amazed at what knowledge I can provide you with if you'd only let me finish my sentences occasionally," Eric smirked. "We're going together. You and I are going to pretend to be engaged. You're going to strike up intelligent conversations with other leaders and expose Erudite's lies. Got it?"

My mouth flew open in shock. I couldn't go back to Erudite. I wouldn't. My body began to shake with fear.

Eric placed a calming hand on my shoulder to steady myself. "Hey, I know it' scary as hell for you. But, I'm not letting you out of my sight. No harm is going to come to you. You have my word."

I breathed in sharply, trying to contain myself. I nodded, signaling my approval.

Eric smiled. "Good. Pretty sure there's a dress in that bag I packed you. I'll alert Amanda that you'll be coming into her shop to buy shoes and to charge it to my account, okay?"

"I have to dress up?" I whined.

"It's a formal ball, Rose. Really formal."

After giving me a few pointless tips on how to behave and dress, he was gone. I trudged back into the dorms, where Kait was impatiently waiting for me by the door. "What was the about?" she inquired.

"Her little boyfriend probably dumped her." Grumbled Edwin. I ignored him and rushed toward Kait.

I grabbed her arm and pulled her out the door. "What the hell is going on?" she asked.

I filled her in quickly, not skipping a single detail. Kait's mouth flew open and stayed open.

"You have to pretend you're with Eric?" she shouted. Thankfully, no one was around to hear.

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