Chapter 8- The Rules of Fighting

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I couldn't go back to sleep when I returned to the dorms. I knew I wouldn't be able to, but Eric needed sleep and I wanted him to be able to do his nighty patrol, so he could go back to his apartment. I was too nervous to sleep. The initiates will be waking up soon, and in a couple hours, we all figure out if we're safe for a couple more weeks. Or... if we're factionless.

I pushed the thought of being homeless out of my mind, as Four came in, banging the metal bars together, just as he did every morning. I almost crawled out of my bed, like a nervous slug. I was exhausted, anxious, and just really pissed off.

I dragged my body to the bathroom. I had decided that if I'm going to become factionless, I would do it in the most fashionable way possible. I fixed my red hair, which I freshly dyed, the best of my ability. After spreading black shadow with eyeliner and mascara onto my eyes, I climbed into the leather cat suit that I had been dying to wear since I had bought it. It hug what hips I had, making them seem larger, more woman-like. I pulled on matching black combat boots, as I looked into the small-ish mirror. I had grown up so much in these weeks. I remember the day before the Choosing Ceremony, when I saw my small frame in the mirror, bruises covered my arms. Bruises still cover me, but not from abuse. I earned them in fighting. These bruises represented a happier me in a happier life.

"Stop smiling at the mirror. You don't look that good," Edwin snapped from behind me. I still found it strange when I saw a boy in the bathroom with me. He had a slight bruise underneath his eye.

I ignored Edwin's comment and trudged down to the cafeteria, taking my usual seat beside of Zeke.

"Today's the day," Zeke announced. "Four said you're going to die today."

I groaned as Four sat down in front of Zeke. "I said no such thing! Gossip is for the weak, Zeke."

I tuned myself out of their conversation when I noticed Eric at the leader's table. He had dark circles underneath his eyes, his jaw was tightened. He looked incredibly angry, making me dread today even more.

As we walked into the training room, a chalk board read the following names:

Sadie vs Jeffrey

Alicia vs Kait

Rose vs Edwin


Jackson must be in first place because he wasn't fighting today. Eric stormed into the room, angrily throwing upon the doors.

Kait leaned over and whispered in my ear. "Someone's panties are in a twist." I smiled in response.

She straightened up quickly when Eric narrowed his eyes at us. He stomped over toward us. His face in front of mine, he seethed, "Something you want to share with the class, initiate?"

"None of your business," I struggled to keep my voice from breaking.

Eric raised an eyebrow. "I'm clearly not in the mood to argue with your annoying self. We'll just skip right to the punishment for back talking me then." Eric spat, "Stand in front of the target."

He moved to the knife table and picked on up, examining its sharpness. "No." I said, partly keeping confidence in my voice.

"No?" Eric asked. The initiates around us backed up, as if expecting some sort of battle.

"Your punishments are cruel and underserving. Like I said, you just want people to see you as intimidating. So you heard me correctly, no."

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