Chapter 16- The Last Wall

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So, I guess it's two chapters in a row today, considering I can't find my boyfriend and I'm bored without him. But, enjoy this double-header!

Beep. Beep. Beep.

God, I hated hearing that sound all the time.

"Can you count how many accidents she's been in, Max? Can you count that high? She needs to be watched." A deep voice with an argumentative tone semi-shouted.

"Why do you insist this, Eric? I interviewed that kid. He said it was revenge because she was sleeping with you to get ahead. First, that magazine article and now this? Eric, be honest for God's sake."

"Are you seriously accusing me of that?" Eric shouted now. "The kid probably saw the article and believed it!"

"He said he was told that another initiate saw you kiss." Max responded.

"And you're going to take this psychopathic, murderous monster's word over mine?"

"I'm not accusing, just asking." He assured. "But, don't act like I was born yesterday. I know you. You couldn't give two shits about anyone and now you're acting like it's the end of the world unless a little initiate moves in with you so you can make sure she's okay? I know there's something here no matter how much you deny it. I may not have been born an Erudite, but I'm no moron." Max paused and I heard the scuffle of footsteps. "That being said, I know she's a target amongst the initiates. She's a pretty good Dauntless and I'd like to not worry about her either. It'd be one less thing on my mind if I just pushed her into your hands. You're a leader now, Eric. You can make decisions on your own."

I heard light footsteps shimmy into the room, followed by heavier ones.

"Tell him what you told me." Four's voice said with a grim tone.

"We're unsure of if she's going to live. She lost a lot of blood." A womanly voice spoke from a distance.

What? I'm perfectly fine. "Mhhm mhhhmm mmm." I mumbled in an attempt to show I was okay.

"Rose! She's awake, sort-of." Four shouted. I felt something hit the side of my bed, like Four had ran really fast and forgot to stop.

"Step aside, gentlemen," the womanly voice ordered. Just then, I felt a needle pierce my neck, followed by the pain of the fluid entering my veins.

I could now open my eyes and sit up a little.

"An energy boost shot." The blonde nurse announced.

Eric stood by my bed. He had stubble on his face from a couple of days without shaving. He wore the same clothes from earlier that day.

"A moment?" he asked the other two, who nodded and left the room. Four went last, after stopping momentarily to give me a gentle hug.

As the door swung close, Eric pressed his face against mine, kissing me passionately, longingly. He kissed me as though he had believed that he would never be able to again.

When he pulled away, I finally asked, "What happened?"

"You almost died, Rose." He said, and I realized that he was on the brink of crying. "Edwin... he attacked you. You've been in a coma for three days."

"Three days!" I shouted. Suddenly, it all came back to me; Edwin trapping me, pinning me to the ground, carving me, and then darkness. I remembered the hot pain and fury that left me in pure agony.

I thought of Eric's unshaven face and unchanged clothes from three days ago. "You haven't left this room in three days, have you?"

"Just for bathroom breaks." He grinned. "What if I left for something and missed you waking up?"

I smiled and pulled his lips onto mine, kissing him softly.

"I do have some good news for you." He said, taking my hands. "I am a leader so I decided that the only way to assure your safety is for you to move in with me."

I smiled, remembering how he had pleaded with Max mere minutes before.

"When?" I smiled.


The journey back to the dormitory to get my things was perilous. Well, for me. To Eric, it was nothing but hilarious. The pain serum that I had been given was injected in my legs and was so strong that I couldn't feel them. At all. So, as I 'walked' down the hallways, clinging to walls and tables and Eric, I may knocked over numerous items and fallen a few times. Eric insisted on carrying me, but I was too proud.

About halfway there, he ended up picking me up against my will, while I kicked and punched to be released. Every initiate was in the dormitory, save for Edwin.

Kait walked up to me and opened her mouth to speak. But, Eric's remark of "save it, bitch" shut her right up. Not that I had any problem with that.

Jackson hugged me and as Eric packed my things, he told me the story of how Eric had kicked the door down and rescued me, making my heart fluttered.

When we reached the apartment (OUR apartment), Eric sat my things down and snaked an arm around my waist, kissing me tenderly. I twisted his long, black hair with my fingers and pushed our bodies even closer, deepening the kiss.

As expected, I was lifted up in his arms and laid gently on our bed. He began to rub his hands down my body, going lower and lower. I welcomed him to it and pressed soft kisses down his neck and collarbone.

"I thought I lost you." He said between kisses, his lips touching mine as he spoke.

"You'll never lose me."

Gently, as if he were afraid that that I was a porcelain doll that could break so easily, he pulled my shirt over my head. But not before shooting me a look as if asking if it was okay, to which I nodded in response.

We took turns in the removing of clothes; his shirt, my pants, his pants, my bra, his boxers, and then finally, my panties. And every time, he rose his eyebrows, asking permission to continue.

As his body lay overtop of mine, fitting like a puzzle piece, he looked down at me.

"Rose, are you sure?"

"I've never been surer in my life." I responded, crashing our lips together yet again.

He entered me, awkwardly at first, for it was both of our first times. It ached at first, a throbbing really, but I focused on my undying devotion for Eric and the pain subsided. It wasn't a dirty act of pleasure. It was us finally breaking down the last wall between us, giving ourselves, all of ourselves, to one another. This was something that you can only give to one person, only once, and I chose Eric without even a second though. I smiled when I realized that he had indeed chosen me as well.

He was slow, gentle if nothing else. It seemed as though our lips were never apart for even a mere second.

Our bodies intertwined together, he whispered between kisses, "I love you, beautiful."

"I love you." I smiled against his lips.

It seemed like a lifetime (I only wished I could spend a lifetime like this), but eventually, the passionate act was over. I laid on Eric's chest, his arms wrapped around me.

"Can we spend the rest of our lives together?" I asked, curling closer to the beautiful man beside me.

"Yeah, you should know that you're never going to be able to get rid of me now." He laughed, kissing my temple.

"I'd never want that."

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