Chapter 11- Rat Trap

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I heard metal clang against metal, as I stirred awake. I was becoming more and more acquainted with this method of a wake-up call. Today was stage two and I probably got about an hour or two of sleep last night. At least it was slightly more than I usually received.

I stumbled out of bed, rubbing my eyes and yawning. Climbing into the lace tank top and black jeans that Eric had purchased for me, I pulled a brush through my extremely tatted hair and applied a slight touch of make-up. I looked exactly how I felt, like shit but confident.

I sat in the cramped room with grey walls among not only the transfers but the Dauntless-born. Four began calling out names and each initiate went into a room and never returned. Eerie, much?

"What do you think this stage is about?" Kait asked.

"Emotions, duh." A blonde Dauntless-born girl whom I immediately hated remarked.

"I know, but how are they going to test our emotions?"

"Maybe they sit us down and tell us we're fat and see if we cry," I laughed.

Kait stuck her tongue out at my sarcasm and gave up on her question. After what felt like a year of waiting, Four finally peaked his brunette head out and called my name.

I rose from my seat and followed Four into a room with the same dull paint job, but filled with equipment similar to what was at the Aptitude Test. Great. A simulation. I should be a professional at these by now.

Eric stood in the corner of the room, arms crossed impatiently. Four motioned for me to take a seat.

"You're going to be in a simulation where we will see how you act when faced with your worst fears." Four explained.

I groaned out loud and laid on the long chair, tilting my head to the side, so Four could inject me with the serum.

Four laughed. "Wow, already prepared?"

"This isn't my first experience with the Fear Simulation." I remarked as he pushed the needle into my neck and I slipped hooked on another world.

I was in my childhood home at Erudite, except the furniture and floors weren't covered by layers of dust. It was as it had been when I was a child. Its floors were sparkling as if Mother had just recently waxed them. It looked like the day I was dragged off to the laboratory.

"Oh, Raaaaaat!" a dainty voice rang from what used to be my bedroom.

I tiptoed in, aware that the simulation would bring about my worst nightmare. Nevertheless, I had to follow the voice and face the fear.

Jeanine stood in the center of the room, beside my small bed with the cover sprawled everywhere like I liked it. She wore her normal blue dress suit and high heels. But behind her... was Eric.

He lay on the ground, a puddle of blood streaming at his body. His eyes were open, a blank expression cast on his now gray face. He was shirtless and in his pajamas that I had become so used to him wearing. On his chest, the words "Rat Trap" were carved and blood dripped from the letters and his mouth.

I brought my hand over my mouth to muffle my screams of horror. Jeanine threw her head back in laughs of pure enjoyment.

"He thought he could take my place. You're my plaything. Not his." She laughed.

I fell to my knees. "Face it, little sister. I will forever be the cat and you will forever be the dirty, unwanted rat."

I covered my eyes with my hands, bidding the simulation to end. Tears streaming down my face.

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