Chapter 19- Life Changing Moments

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I had just went through my Fear Landscape with the rest of the initiates. A Dauntless-born was undergoing the test now, clawing away at an imaginary threat.

"You're struggling with this stage, aren't you Rose?" Four approached me, stating the obvious.

"Well, yeah. I mean," I began to say before the nausea overtook my stomach. I tore away from our conversation and ran out the double doors of the Fear Landscape Room, releasing my lunch in a trash bin outside the room.

"God, are you okay?" Four had followed me and was moving my hair away from face.

"I've been having a stomach ache lately." I replied.

"Like all the time, or just randomly?" he asked with a worried expression.

I thought back over the past week. "I don't know. I guess I just feel like throwing up every now and then."

His expression grew stolid. "Rose, when was the last time you and know?"

My eyes widened and my heart sank lower than it had during the falling simulation. Please God, tell me he doesn't think what I know he's thinking.

"Four, you're not implying that-"

"Just stating the possibilities." He interrupted.

"It's not possible. Don't worry." I assured.

"And how is it not possible?"

"I don't know." I mumbled. "Because it's not."

"As your trainer, it's my duty to make sure that you at least check this out," he stated. "And as your friend, it's my duty to make sure that I help you check this out."

"Four, just forget about this. I've been sick before. That's all this is." I pleaded.

He placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Eric's at Amity right?" he asked.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"Go back to your apartment. I'll be there in a little bit. Okay?"

I sat on the couch, shaking. I kept staring at my stomach.

There's nothing in there. I thought. Stop scaring yourself.

A soft knock pecked at the door. I quickly rose from the couch and frantically sprinted to the door, pulling it open to reveal Four. He held a brown paper bag in his hands, and he looked just as worried as I was.

He closed the door behind him and pulled a white box from the bag.

"Take this into the bathroom and follow the instructions." He said, looking away.

"What- what is this?" I said, holding the white box up high.

"It's, pregnancy test. It's new from Erudite. It's said to be able to detect...'it' in as little as a week, conceiving." He said, looking more awkward than ever.

My heart sank even lower as I slowly made my way into the bathroom. I pulled the contents from the box, an electronic stick-like object and a piece of paper with instructions.

Thank you for purchasing the Love at First Test, Pregnancy Test!

"the first ever test that can detect pregnancy in one week!"

I followed the instructions, feeling extremely weird that Four was just in the other room.

I opened the door and stepped out, seeing Four on the couch, looking around at the room.

"It takes ten minutes." I answered, sitting beside him.

I started to think of Eric. What would he think if I was carrying his child? Oh god, he wouldn't stay.

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