03 | Water

58 2 0

Jeanette and I walk into calculus uneasily. We've never had much luck when it came to math, and this has quickly become our least favorite class.

I make my way into the back of the class and slide into my seat, running my hand over the back of my skirt as I sit so that it won't fold over and wrinkle during class. I move my arm across the desk, wiping clean any remaining eraser pieces from yesterday's students before stacking my books in the left corner.

I lean my head in my hand and stare at the discolored whiteboard in front of the class. I try to clear my head of the boy I have become so quickly infatuated with. What am I even feeling? And why is it so strong?

I mean, is it lust?

I don't think it is – at least not all it is. I know what lust feels like, and that is nothing compared to what I'm feeling now. I'm so unbelievably overwhelmed. It's difficult to move, speak, or concentrate. All I can think of is him.


So quickly I've fallen for this person, and I hardly know a single detail about him. Is love at first sight real? I thought that was just some cheesy expression.

I almost hate this.


Jeanette looks over at me. "Are you alright, Lanie?"

I nod my head, my mind still focused completely on the boy and my face still beet red. 

"Are you sure?" She asks, unconvinced by my nervous nod.

"I think so," I respond a little dishonestly.

She smirks. "Is this about that new boy in the cafeteria?"

My face falls another red shade darker. 

"Haha!" Jeanette laughs, holding her head in her hand like I do. "You look so embarrassed! It's actually kind of sweet."

I hide my face in my hands and laugh with her. "I don't know why I'm being so weird about it," I admit. "It's completely taking over me."

"Well, if someone that cute was looking at me the way he was at you, I'd certainly feel the same way," Jeanette consoles me.

I look up at her from my hands.

 "He was just exceptionally good looking," She concludes with a shrug.

My cheeks grow hotter at her words as I remember his beautiful features and I bury my face right back into my shaky hands. I bite the inside of my cheek in order to hold back a smile. 

"Yeah, I guess you're right," I mumble against my palms. "I just feel so awkward. I'm so lame."

This is no big deal. He's just very handsome is all, and I'm not used to having to such a person pay attention to me. It's just the hormones! I need to calm down. There's nothing special here.

But all these emotions and intruding thoughts are so intense. They're flooding my mind, making it so I can hardly function.

"Lanie," Jeanette whispers.

"What?" I respond, refusing to lift my head. My face is still red hot.

"Look," she commands, her voice now even quieter.


"Look," she repeats herself.

"Jeanette, I'm pretty sure I know why you're asking me to look, and-"

"Oh, God," she interrupts.

"Hello," a sweet, golden voice resonates.

My head shoots up, almost involuntarily. 

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