02 | Burn

94 6 1

Bennett's POV


Getting out of bed this morning isn't easy.

I'm used to waking up around ten or eleven. The distance between our old and new pack is pretty substantial, so there is a large time difference between the two regions. Most of the pack members haven't yet gotten used to the change in time and we've been waking up the late morning and staying up deep into the night.

So my 5:00am alarm isn't exactly welcoming. 

I slowly pull the covers off my body and slide my legs off the bed, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I make my way to the bathroom and wash up for the day. I feel a little sick from waking up so early, but the feeling quickly fades.

My hair is a mess, but there's no one in my pack that I'm particularly looking to impress, so it doesn't matter. 

I groggily put on my heavy, school issued uniform, staring at myself in mirror and inspecting my outfit to see if anything is out of place. My green and black tie runs straight down my buttoned white shirt and my belt is buckled correctly on my black pants. I walk out of the bathroom and grab the tacky, seaweed green sweater hanging off my chair, pulling it on quickly. 

I adjust my shirt collar before slipping on my shoes, grabbing my blue backpack, and walking out of my bedroom.  I don't have time for breakfast today, so I skip the kitchen and walk straight out of my quarters. I turn around to look the door before heading down the hallway to exit the newly built (and still under construction) pack house.

We chose to send the older students St. Alibe High because some of the administrators there are pack-less werewolves. There are significantly less younger children in Lunarclaw, so they are able to be taught here with the small amount of space and supplies we have immediately after the move. Because I'm already Alpha, I don't really need to continue attending school. But, because this is a new place, and we never know if there could be complications between wolves and humans at the school, I figured I would attend there to keep things moving as smoothly as possible.

The high school students are gathered at the entrance to the pack house, all looking quite anxious. I smile at them from the top of the stairs and motion for them to gather together. Their light chatter eases into silence as I get ready to speak. 

"Today, we start a new chapter," I announce, making sure my words are loud and clear. "Receiving an education above primary school is a rare privilege in the werewolf community, but it is something that Lunarclaw has historically understood to be a necessity for our youth.  Even with the move, we wanted to continue this tradition of education with you. Although this new transition may be challenging, you have shown perseverance and strength. I know things might seem chaotic, but please just hang in there. Things will settle down soon, and this new routine will be good for all of us. Now, as many of you know, the majority of students and faculty at St. Alibe are humans. We must not expose the fact that we are werewolves to them. Do not shift at or near school - this means control your tempers. If something happens, come to me immediately. Alright, we have two buses outside to transport us to the school. Please make your way there immediately. When we arrive at school I'll give more instructions."

The chatter starts up again as the group moves outside towards the bus. I see a few stragglers running down the stairs past me, whispering a quick "Good morning, Alpha" and "Sorry that we're late, Alpha." I wave my hand at them reassuringly and make my out of the door.

My Beta, Sarah, is waiting for me. 

"Good morning, Sarah," I say with a smile. 

She nods at me and we make our way to the second bus. 

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