12 | Trust

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I look up at him, and try to swallow the fear that threatens to lace my voice. "Yes," I say with with as much confidence as I can muster.

"Do you feel strong enough? You've healed physically, but..." he doesn't finish his sentence, but I can understand what he is referring to. 

I nod my head. "I am strong enough. I can be strong for you, Ben."

He smiles weakly at me. "Okay," he agrees, squeezing me tightly one last time before letting go of my waist. "How are we going to get you out of here?"

Oh, yeah. My mother wanted me to rest today; it's now a matter of sneaking out. "I think if I leave quickly, she can't stop me."

"Can't stop you?!" Bennet responds, his voice shocked.

I shrug. "Yeah, don't worry. I do it all the time. She trusts me."

"Sure, but this is a very special circumstance. You're injured! Or at least you were."

"It's alright, I'll talk to her later." I walk over to my small closet to pick out a bag to carry some of my things. "What should I bring?" I ask Bennett from across the room.

"You really won't need anything, I can give you everything you need."

I smile a bit at his statement, hoping he meant more than just today. 

I grab a scarf that hangs on the rail and I stuff it into my white bag. It's going to be even colder today, so I'd like to be prepared. I'm very cold-blooded; I'm constantly shivering, even on hot summer days. I also find some thin gloves and place them into the front pocket of my bag for easy access.

"I'll just bring some extra clothes for warmth if I need it," I update Bennett. "I don't do well in the cold." 

I hear him walk over to me. "Maybe you should put on some extra layers now, then. I don't want you to get sick on top of everything else."

"Hmm. Maybe you're right," I agree, grabbing a larger coat from the hanger. Bennett takes the jacket from my hands and places it gently on my shoulders, allowing my arms to easily slip through the sleeves. I mumble a bashful thanks and give him a smile of gratitude. I adjust the straps of my bag over the coat and head towards my bedroom door, quickly grabbing my phone that was charging the bedside table. "Um," I hesitate, whipping back around to face Bennett. "How are you getting out of here?"

He smiles his beautiful, perfect smile. "I have my methods," he chuckles. "Don't worry about me. Just focus about sneaking out."

"Okay," I say, snapping close my jacket and opening the bedroom door. I run quickly down the stairs, making sure that my steps sound energetic. "Mom?" I call out.

"Lanie!" My mother yells.

"I'm going out," I say matter-of-factly.

"Absolutely not!" She yells louder this time. I can hear her steps walking angrily towards me.

I make a beeline for the door. "Don't worry mom, I'll text you. I just have something to do for school," I say, my hand on the knob of the front door. I'm going to make it!

A hand grabs me my jacket hood and whips my body backwards away from the door. I'm now face-to-face with my infuriated mother. 

Damn it. So close.

"Lanie! In no circumstance are you to leave the house today! You are in no condition!"

"Mom, I'm totally fine I promise!"

"You are not. Look at your hand! It is totally-" She pauses when she sees my hand. The bandage is gone now, the thin cloth having withered away when I washed my face. My hand is now blemish free, with no evidence of a wound ever having been there. "What in the-"

"I told you I'm fine, mom. Look, my cut is totally gone. I just needed to sleep." I'm not sure how to explain the disappearance of my wound. 

My mom doesn't say anything, she just looks at me in shock. 

"I have a huge project to do. It's due at midnight so I really need to meet with Jennifer. I promise I'll text you okay?" She still doesn't respond and stays staring at my mysteriously healed hand. Some horrific realization shows in her eyes, but I am already out the door before she can say anything. 

I'll have hell to pay later.

But now, heaven is standing right in front of me.

"Let's go, Ben," I command, grabbing his hand and making my way down the driveway.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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