11 | Embarassed

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I get out of the bed, begrudgedly moving away from Bennett.

I make my way to my dresser and pick out a tank top, a short zip-up jacket, and a pair of black jeans. I secretly shuffle a fresh pair of underwear and a more comfortable bra in the middle of my clothes, out of Bennett's eyesight. I blush furiously as I make my way to the bathroom which lays just outside of my bedroom door.

"Stay here, please. I just need a moment." I say to Bennett, who still sits on the bed. He nods in agreement, watching me as I walk out. My cheeks still flush red.

I quickly close the door of the bathroom and take a first look at myself since everything went down. I look horrible! A huge wave of embarrassment runs over me knowing that Bennett has seen me like this. My hair looks almost crumbled on top of my head, tangled and resembling that of an abandoned birds nest. Gross crust has formed around my eyes overnight due to the plethora of tears that had flowed from them. And the rest of my face has little smudges of dirt still on it. Luckily, theres no blood leftover from the beasts.

I place my hands on the bathroom sink and lean onto it, using it for support. I look down and shake my head, taking several deep breaths in order to ease my mortification. Slowly, I feel the red-hot blush leave my cheeks and my pulse begin to slow. I take a couple more breaths before looking back up in the mirror and sighing. I'm not wearing the same clothes from yesterday. My mother must've helped me change into a set of pajamas once Bennett got me home. 

I grab a comb from the bathroom drawer and attempt to untangle my hair. After getting it to a... somewhat... acceptable state, I grab a simple facial cleanser and use warm water to wash off the remaining residue on my face. I use a clean, fluffy towel to dry off my face, and I let my head rest in the nice-smelling cloth for a moment before hanging the towel back on it's rack. 

I go to brush my teeth, and another wave of embarrassment washes over me, my cheeks flushing red once more. I've been talking to Bennett all morning... with unbrushed teeth. I hope he didn't notice...

I take my time in brushing my teeth, making sure not to miss any tooth or part of my tongue. It is so embarrassing that I was talking to him with morning breath; I should have thought of that, but my mind was too consumed in his presence. I finish brushing my teeth, and I take off my PJs and jump into the set of clothes I chose for myself.

I then make my way back to my room, and Bennett is still sitting unmoving on the bed, looking at me in the same place he watched me leave. I can hear him let out a breath, and I quickly close the door and move to put away my pajamas. 

"You look beautiful, Lanie," he says, breathlessly.

I bite the inside of my cheek and turn around. He has to be sarcastic. "This is just how I usually dress, I have nicer stuff," I offer, placing my pajamas in the dresser and moving back to lean on the dresser drawers. 

"No," he says, getting up from the bed and walking towards me. My heart pounds in my chest as I watch him near me. "I like you as you are," he says, wrapping his arms around my waist and leaving a gentle kiss on my jaw. My eyes flutter close with his warm and gentle touch. 

But then a moan I can't control escapes my lips. 

Oh my God.

I back up violently into the dresser, my hand flying up to my mouth. As I slam into the old bureau, the drawers make a loud thud against the wall and several items that rest on top of it fall to the floor. He pulls quickly away from me, his eyes bewildered. I squirm away from him, backing towards the door, my hand still on my mouth, my eyes full of shock.

"What, what's wrong?" He says, his hands outstretched towards me, clearly worried.

I shake an open hand at him. "Just..." I close my eyes. "Just give me a minute. I'm so embarrassed."

We stand in silence for a minute until I calm down.

"What are you embarrassed about? Did I make you uncomfortable?" He asks after a moment. His voice is gentle and apologetic. I open my eyes, now full of love instead of unease.

"No, no," I explain, slowly walking back towards him. I place my hands on his wrists. "I'm just shocked sometimes."


"Yes. I'm shocked sometimes by how I feel about you. I've never really felt like this for someone before," I explain, taking a breath. "Especially not so quickly," I mumble to the side.

He places his hands on my face. "Me either. And I'll try to be more careful with your feelings. We can go slowly."

I nod, and I pull him in for a grateful embrace. 

He holds me for a moment, his arms resting firmly, but cautiously, around my waist.

He lets out a sigh into my hair and his fingers play with one of my locks. And then he speaks.

"Would you like to see my pack?"

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