17: Passing By

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Su Ling's first reaction when seeing Lin Feng was to quickly lower the brim of his straw hat and turn his back.

Li Dahai stood on tiptoe and glanced twice, then withdrew his gaze uninterestedly. 

"Brother Su, shall we go back to the village now?"

Su Ling let out an "um" and got on the electric car, keeping his fingers pressed against the brim of the hat.

"Hey, you are leaving?" The man who bought the loquat was a little reluctant, "Remember, if you change your mind, you must call me."

Su Ling did not answer, Li Dahai started the car and grinned at him.

"Uncle, goodbye." The  front of the car turned around and quickly left, and in a short while, he left the parking lot.

The man touched the beard on his face and said to himself.

"Uncle? Call me uncle? I'm only thirty-one!"

At the entrance of the hotel, Lin sealed the car and stepped back.

An old man in a Tang suit and a man walked out of the car. Western-style boy.

"Brother Lin, thank you for taking us a ride." Bai Jincheng looked at Lin Feng appreciatively, and had a very good impression of the young man he met on the plane.

"Raise your hand." Lin Feng replied indifferently and politely. 

Probably because the other party is a respected and respected master of traditional Chinese painting with the same fame as Su Ling's teacher Zhang Qianyi, so he has reduced his indifferent breath and has more human touch.

Wenxi stood by his grandfather obediently, watching the tall man wearing a fracture sling quietly.

He didn't expect that today he would be so coincident that he was on the same plane with the helm of the Lin Group, and the location was adjacent.

At that time, he subconsciously greeted him and attracted the attention of the other party, and then his grandfather somehow talked to him.

He hurriedly met in the box of Feng Yasong Hotel that day. He only felt that the man was cold, serious and unkind.

However, talking with his grandfather on the plane today, he seemed not as inaccessible as he thought.

When his grandfather talked to him about painting, he unexpectedly had a lot of insights.

Obviously, he had a certain understanding of Chinese painting.

His grandfather was very interested.

He changed his title from Lin Zong to Lin brother.

He was born to reduce Wenxi to Grandchildren.

It's so embarrassing!

In addition to being a quiet beautiful man, Wenxi didn't dare to say a word, because he was afraid that he would have to call someone "Grandpa".

Standing behind Lin Feng, Xu Yunzhuo respectfully said.

"Mr Lin, Manager Wei and Manager Han are already waiting upstairs."

Lin Feng said to Bai Jincheng.

"I'm leaving you first."

Bai Jincheng smiled, " Just take care of brother Lin. Go ahead, my grandson and I go to the front desk to register first."

Lin Feng nodded slightly, and led Xu Yunzhuo into the hotel.

Xu Yunzhuo greeted the front desk and took him straight to the elevator. 

Soon, the elevator reached the top floor, and the two came to the only presidential suite in the hotel.

After The Divorce, I Farmed In The Countryside [Danmei MTL]Where stories live. Discover now