66: Telling the Sickness

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In the small space, Su Ling kept running forward, as if something terrible was chasing him, he rushed forward desperately.



Hurry up - you'll be overtaken if you're slow!

Suddenly, his foot was empty, his whole body fell down, and the sense of weightlessness made him scream in horror.

"Ahhh——" A tender cry echoed in the space, as if the a century had passed, a pair of snow-white slender  hands stretched out and caught the falling Xiao Su Ling.

"Xiao Ling, you are too naughty, how can you climb a tree?" The woman's doting voice rang in her ears, Su Ling quietly opened her eyes, raised his head curiously, and saw a young and beautiful woman's face.


He raised his hand and wanted to touch the woman's face, but was surprised to find that his hand had become the hand of a five- or six-year-old child.

The woman put him down and patted his little curls. "Don't climb trees anymore, you know? If I don't catch it next time, you'll fall on your butt."

"Well, I see, Mom." Xiao Su Ling nodded obediently, his face as delicate as a doll raised with a cute smile.

The woman took his hand and walked into the house. Xiao Su Ling jumped and followed. 

When he was about to enter the door, he couldn't help but turn his head and glanced at the lush courtyard.

"What are you looking at?" the woman asked.

Xiao Su Ling pointed to the wall of the courtyard and said enviously, "My cousin is celebrating his birthday. There are many children in his house. Auntie made a big cake!"

There is only one wall between their house and the second cousin's house, and the movement over there can be heard here. 

He was playing in the courtyard and heard a lot of children next door getting together and laughing. 

He couldn't help it, hey hey hey climbing up the branch, he happened to see his aunt coming out of the house with a big cake in her hand, greeting the children to celebrate the birthday with his second cousin.

"Mom...Why can't I celebrate my birthday?" Xiao Su Ling raised his head and looked at the woman in confusion. 

When he met the woman's cold and disgusting eyes, he dilated his pupils in horror.


"I'm not your mother!" The woman suddenly pushed him away fiercely, and Xiao Su Ling's body slammed against the door frame, causing darkness in front of his eyes. 

He covered his head helplessly and looked at his mother at a loss.

The beautiful face in the past is now extremely distorted and ugly, with bloodshot eyes and a gleam of hate, as if it will bite people, making people tremble with fear.

Xiao Su Ling timidly shrank into a ball. 

He doesn't understand why the mother who usually loves him has become so unfamiliar, and he doesn't even know what he did wrong, which made his mother angry.

"Birthday? Your birthday is my day of misery!" The woman walked to the child in the corner step by step, slowly bent down, stretched out her cold fingers, and caressed the child's pale cheeks. "In order to give birth to you, I almost died, you know? I was in pain in the delivery room for three days and three nights, and I was given a critical illness notice. I finally gave birth to you, but it caused a postpartum blood clot. I went around the gate of hell again and again. "

After The Divorce, I Farmed In The Countryside [Danmei MTL]Where stories live. Discover now