18: The Suspected Old Person Comes

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Su Ling took Li Dahai to the Admissions Office for consultation and learned that the registration time for the senior high school entrance examination had already passed.

If Li Dahai wants to go to high school, he must repeat his studies for one year. 

However, he has graduated from junior high school and cannot go back to public school to repeat his studies.

He can only study by himself or go to a training institution to prepare for the exam.

Su Ling ran a lap, inquired from various sources, and finally chose a training institution called Xingxin.

The person in charge of the training organization said that after the high school entrance examination this year, five new classes will be recruited.

They can now pay a deposit to reserve places.

By mid-August, they will be able to officially start classes after paying the tuition.

Su Ling happily paid a 500 yuan deposit, registered Li Dahai's personal information, left his contact information, and left the training institution.

Riding on an electric tricycle and driving on the street, Li Dahai was still in a daze.

Can he really continue to study?

Going to high school, going to college, graduating to find a job in the city, making money to honor grandparents and let them enjoy their twilight years!

It's too unreal, like a dream!

"Be careful, there's a red light ahead." Su Ling reminded him.

Li Dahai hurriedly braked, raised his hand and rubbed his sour eyes to calm himself down.

"Thank you, Brother Su." He said sincerely, with a pair of watery eyes open, as cute as Bambi.

Su Ling couldn't help but squeezed his face and smiled.

"As long as you study hard and get good grades in the exam, you will be the best reward for me."

Li Dahai's cheeks flushed, shy and excited. "Well! I will definitely not let Brother Su's money go for nothing!"

Su Ling let go, letting go of his little face. "Let's go back to the village."

He left at six or seven in the morning, and it was now three in the afternoon.

When the green light came on, Li Dahai immediately drove forward.

Su Ling leaned in relaxedly, enjoying the scenery on both sides of the street.

Suddenly, he found a shop selling electric cars and motioned Li Dahai to drive over.

Twenty minutes later, Su Ling awkwardly rode an electric motorcycle and slowly followed Li Dahai's three-wheeled electric motorcycle.

Before the roads in the village were built, a four-wheeled car was not as convenient as a two-wheeled electric car. 

Although vegetables can be self-sufficient, fish and shrimp meat still has to be bought in the town from three to five places.

Su Ling usually takes someone else's tractor to Liuhouting and then takes the bus to the town.

Now he has this electric motorcycle.

It's much easier to travel.

When he arrived at Liuhouting smoothly, Su Ling received a call from the village chief, saying that someone was looking for him and asked him to return to the village as soon as possible.

After The Divorce, I Farmed In The Countryside [Danmei MTL]Where stories live. Discover now