52:: Beating someone down~

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"Su Ling has the right to serve." Su Tan said solemnly.

"Wenxi should be able to hold on, right? After all, he played in the youth competition in country M." Yu Qiang said, even he was a little unsure.

After watching the first game, he was basically able to judge the level of the two.

Wenxi is very strong, yes, every serve is very tricky. If they were his opponents, it is estimated that he would not be able to catch a single ball, but Su Ling was unusual. 

No matter from which angle Wen Xi served, he caught it steadily, easily counterattacked back, and won the right to serve.

Su Ling's strength is even better!

After Su Dan finished drinking the mineral water in the bottle, he accurately threw it into the trash can next to him, picked up his racket, and walked outside the court.

"Hey, didn't you watch it?" Yu Qiang chased after him and asked.

Su Dan looked back at Wen Xi on the court. "Save some face for him."

"Huh?" Yu Qiang was at a loss as he watched Su Dan walk out of the court with the ball on his back and go to the practice ground next door.

What do you mean?

Qiao Zhengwen got up, "I'm going to practice with Du Tan." 

It didn't mean he was forced to speak, he hurriedly followed.

Yu Qiang looked at Shen Wei. "You're not going to leave too, are you?"

Shen Wei held a ball, tossed it up and down, and said with a smile, "How embarrassed you are all gone? The kid has to be comforted when he loses, right?"

Yu Qiang saw something in his eyes and clicked his tongue twice. "Li Ting is lining up in front!"

Shen Wei shrugged: "Good things, isn't it common for brothers to share with each other?"

Yu Qiang scolded secretly A voice: "Beast." 

On the court, Su Ling casually tapped the ball twice with his racket, and when Wen Xi adjusted his state, he nodded to Lin Zhou.

Lin Zhou threw a meaningful look at Wen Xi, whistled, and the game started.

"Come on Wen Xi!" Li Ting encouraged.

Wenxi bit his lip, clenched his racket, and stared at Su Ling.

How could he possibly lose to an amateur guy?

But he only lost the first game, and he would never let Su Ling get a point in the second game!

Taking a deep breath, Wen Xi was fully prepared and went all out.

Su Ling threw the ball up and slapped it quickly. 

The small yellow ball rushed towards the opposite side like a cannonball. With a loud bang, the ball landed on the ground. 

Wen Xi reflexively stepped over to catch the ball, calculating the timing. Swing the racket, but after a lonely swing, the small ball bounced very low, almost rubbing the ground and bouncing to the back.

"Duo- Su Ling scored!" Lin Zhou made a judgment.

Li Ting opened his mouth slightly and stared at the little yellow ball rolling on the ground in disbelief.

Is this... a flat serve?

Wen Xi maintained the rigid movement of swinging the racket, and his face was blue.

After The Divorce, I Farmed In The Countryside [Danmei MTL]Where stories live. Discover now