70:: The Abused Child

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Compared with the brightly dressed woman, the clothes on the child's body can be said to be worn out, and the white-washed short-sleeves and shorts all show that he has been mistreated in life.

The woman was still scolding, and the scolding was unpleasant. All the bastards and mothers and fathers came out. 

Su Ling couldn't listen anymore and stepped forward to interrupt.

"Hello, ma'am, we've met again."

Zhang Man was scolding happily when she suddenly inserted a pleasant man's voice, turned her head and stared fiercely, met Su Ling's handsome face, and was stunned.

It's him?

The young man who made her lose face in the dry cleaners!

She was very impressed with him!

The suit she bought online for more than 50,000 yuan was revealed on the spot as a fake, which made her face shame. 

Especially when the other party took out a genuine suit of the same brand, priced at more than 80,000 yuan, her eyes were so red that she was bleeding.

That day, she left the dry cleaner in despair, called the online store to ask for compensation, was kicked around like a ball by the customer service, and complained to the platform in a rage and lose money.

Although the problem was solved successfully in the end and the compensation was received, she kept holding her breath. 

Today, when she saw the young man again at the pet hospital, she had a cold face and glanced at the fat raccoon flower in his cat bag, showing a disdain expression.

What, it turned out to be a dirty cat!

Reaching out his hand not to hit the smiling person, Zhang Manpi asked without a smile, "Is there something wrong?"

Su Ling gently persuaded. "The child has done something wrong, just teach it slowly, beating and scolding will only be counterproductive."

Zhang Man He asked rudely, "What's your business for me to educate my own children?"

He pulled the little boy's arm forcefully, but the little boy didn't stand firm, leaned forward, slammed his forehead against the marble edge of the counter, Su Ling's eyes were quick.

A quick block, saving the child's fate of breaking his head.

"As a mother, is it inappropriate to be so rude to your own children?" Su Ling asked with a frown. 

He straightened the little boy, patted his back soothingly, and inadvertently swept across the row of tiny pinhole-like scars on the child's arm, and was slightly startled.

This is...

"I'm rude? I just pinched his ears, how could this be rude?"

"She's not my mother!" The woman's high voice contrasted sharply with the child's fierce retort.

Zhang Man became angry when she heard the child's words. "You little white-eyed wolf! I feed you, clothe you, and live, so you repay me like this? Without my adoption, you would be an orphan! Your milk was killed by you! Your parents were killed by you! Do you still want to kill me?"

The unpleasant swearing sound made everyone in the hall shake their heads.

Su Ling frowned, took out his mobile phone and dialed 110.

Seeing this, Zhang Man stopped cursing and reached out to grab Su Ling's phone. "What are you doing? What are you doing?"

Su Ling stepped back and swiftly avoided it. "Call the police."

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