26: Is The Person In the Video His Wife?

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With the promotion really extraordinary, the live broadcast for an hour, the online store increased more than a thousand orders, Su Ling had to sigh the power of the Internet.

However, with more orders, the workload doubled, and it was impossible for Su Ling and Li Dahai to pack so many packages. 

Fortunately, he was prepared and signed an agreement with the villagers in advance.

He brought the goods live, and the villagers packaged and shipped them. 

Although he only sells vegetables from his greenhouse, according to the current sales rate, vegetables in the whole village can be arranged in a few days.

After the road out of the village was built, Su Ling's corporate village concept gradually took shape.

The good thing of mobilizing the whole village to make money together, he didn't even think about it before.

The villagers were all beaming and worked harder.

The express company did not expect to increase its business volume so quickly.

Originally, the company was not optimistic about Shixi Village at all.

The site was open for half a month, and there were few express delivery. Today, the number of packages surged, the small warehouses were not enough, and the staff was insufficient. The headquarters called for support.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Su Ling walked home slowly, hungry.

The gravel road from the entrance of the village to the Su's house has become a flat concrete road, which can be used by a car. 

Except for the road, Su Ling built the open space outside the yard into a basketball court, and came to teach the children in the village to play basketball.

There are two covered parking spaces next to the basketball court, a black car parked in one parking space, and a motorcycle electric car parked in one parking space. 

Su Ling bought a new car half a month ago and spent 150,000 yuan.

It is not as good as the million-dollar car in the underground garage of Xiangyanshan Villa, but it is better than an electric car.

At least it can shelter from the wind and rain, making it more convenient to go shopping in the town. .

There were outdoor light-controlled lights on the basketball court to illuminate the gate of the house brightly without touching the darkness.

Su Ling took out the key and quickly opened the gate.

There are lawn lights in the yard, which are warm and soft, and contrast with the fireflies in the grass. 

A cat and a dog were playing on the grass, and they found Su Ling and ran over immediately.

"Wow~" King kept wagging his tail. 

Now he can't call it a little guy.

After raising it for more than two months, his body has grown a circle, and he has grown into a cute puppy.

Lion walked slowly, "meow" twice, rubbing Su Ling's leg with his body.

Su Ling bent down and picked it up, pinched its small claws and took a look. "It's a muddy foot again. Don't go upstairs to sneak up on my bed at night."

Cats are different from dogs.

They are light and strong.

The stairs can't help them.

The little guy is more cunning than king and often sneaks up at night, occupy his bed. 

Every time it was found, it would "meow" innocently, showing a white belly and acting like a baby.

After The Divorce, I Farmed In The Countryside [Danmei MTL]Where stories live. Discover now