chapter 13

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“Josh,” Jen gasped as we managed to stumble into the living room. “What happened?” He didn’t fully meet her gaze as he looked at her, and he must have decided not to answer because he stayed quiet. “Fine,” Jen muttered as I helped him sit down on a couch. “Casey you tell me… he must have told you something. What happened?” She and Lyle both stood quietly waiting for an answer. 

“He was being stupid,” I told her as I sat down next to him. She groaned as if she was trying to talk to two year olds.

“When was the last time you ate something?” Lyle spoke up. “I mean… not to be rude, but you look like a corpse.” Josh just shrugged not looking up at either of them. “well?” Lyle now aimed the question at me as he figured out it was pointless talking to Josh. 

“The day everything happened,” I replied. 

“That was a week ago!” Jen was now glaring at him, but she didn’t seem angry, just upset. “Josh why didn’t you take care of yourself? You could have died!”

“If I had died fifteen people would still be alive,” He finally spoke. His voice was broken, and I could see him fighting off tears. 

“What?” Lyle had a look of pure shock on his face. He couldn’t believe it either I guess. The number was to high. 

“If you would have just killed me,” Josh glared up at him. “Fifteen people wouldn’t have died this week!”

“Josh,” I grabbed his hand. He couldn’t think like that. The curse would only get stronger. He sighed, probably realizing what I was thinking.  

“I’m sorry,” He whispered.

“It’s okay,” I told him as I gave him a quick hug. 

“I’ll go get you some food,” Jen didn’t leave room for him to argue. “Casey will you come with me?”

“Why?” he asked before I could, and his grip on my hand got the slightest bit stronger almost like he was scared something would happen if I left. Did he think that Lyle might try to hurt him? 

“So she can help me carry food,” Jen replied as a small smile appeared on her face. “We’re making you eat enough to make up for the week.” He started to protest but I cut him off. 

“She’s right,” I told him. “I’ll be back soon.” I got up and followed Jen out of the living room and down a few hallway’s until we reached the kitchen which could have passed as a kitchen on one of  those cooking shows, plus three more. Jen started to lead me to the pantry, but stopped midway. “Jen?” I asked after a second. “are you okay?”

“Fifteen people in a week?” Her voice shook. “Is that how many he normally kills?” 

“No,” I was surprised she would even think that. “No,” I repeated a little quieter, and a little more upset. “The curse is getting stronger… He’s trying to fight it. He is, but-”

“But he’s going to loose isn’t he?” She asked as a small sob escaped her. “He’s going to loose, and he’s going to be gone forever right?” 

“We’re looking for a way to stop it,” I tried to reassure her, but there was even a bit of doubt in my voice. “We only need a little more time,” Jen nodded and continued to the pantry. “It will be okay Jen,” I told her. “I promise that we’ll find a way to save him.” 

“I hope,” She murmured as she grabbed some food and handed it to me. She then grabbed an armful of food herself. “Well,” She smiled, and I wondered how often the smile was fake. “let’s not keep him waiting since he decided to be an idiot and all.” I couldn’t help but laugh. 

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