Chapter 8

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For a moment everything was perfect, so perfect in fact that it felt like a dream. And in dreams there's only one rule... you eventually wake up, but I woke up only to find I had fallen into a nightmare.

Josh froze suddenly, but it was only for a second because a second after that I was shoved backwards, and hard. I probably would have broken something if the bed hadn't been there to break my fall, but I wasn't very worried about whether I could have broken something right then. I sat up about to ask Josh what was wrong still under the illusion that the spell had been broken. That's when I realized that the kiss didn't work, and Josh was still cursed. He stumbled backwards a few steps, holding his head like he had a headache.

"Josh?" I slowly got to my feet and started to make my way over to where he stood.

"D-don't," Josh stopped me a few feet away. He was leaning against the wall for support, and even with the wall to help him he looked like he was about to fall over. His face looked much paler than it had a few seconds ago, and he was shaking badly. Sara was shaking before she attacked me, and now that I thought about it she had gotten a lot paler too. I took another step towards him... I didn't know why I did though. The logical thing would be to run, but he looked so weak I was sure he couldn't hurt me. "Stop!" he yelled, glaring at me, and I did. His eyes were a liquid golden, and the rest of his eyes were slowly changing so they looked almost exactly like Sara's had when she attacked me. "Don't just stand there!... Casey!... Run!" his voice snapped me out of whatever trance I had been in. I realized why no one got away from him normally... his eyes were frightening of course, but at the same time they were captivating. And it was to the point that you couldn't get away. "Casey!" He shouted again, and this time I did run.

I ran out of the room and then down they stairs, silently praying I wouldn't trip. Once I hit the bottom of the stairs I paused... did I go right or left? But the sound of footsteps following me hurried my decision... right. I dashed down the hallway faster than I had ever moved before. Then another fork in the road... right, left, or straight? Straight was the one I chose. I came to a turn, praying it would lead to a door out, but as soon as I rounded the corner I realized I had made a mistake. It was a dead end, and I could hear him following me. If I turned around, he would catch me for sure. I ran into the only room there and locked the door behind me. I sat down with my back against the door just for extra safety.

"Please let the door... and wall be strong enough to keep him out until morning," I whispered a quiet prayer as I looked around the room. It was filled with paintball guns... jeez they really liked that game. Suddenly I heard footsteps in the hallway, and then nothing.

"Casey?" His voice made me jump at least five feet in the air. I stayed quiet hoping he didn't know I was in there, and was just guessing. The door knob shook as he tried to open it. I heard him chuckle a bit, it sounded different though... his voice was the same, but the tone changed. It sounded evil, and the slightest bit psychopathic. That's what scared me horribly. "Casey," He knew for a fact that I was in here. The door was probably never locked. "It... it worked." I gave the wall across from me a puzzled look. What was he talking about? "The kiss... I- I'm not cursed anymore." I almost opened the door... almost.

"Then you wouldn't mind me staying here tonight..." I told him in a "duh" sort of tone. "You, of all people, have to know it's better for me to be locked in a room for no reason rather than being stupid and taking risks."

"Oh yes," It sounded like him more now, and I started to wonder if it had worked. "I'm sorry it's just... this is the first night in over two years I haven't had to deal with the curse."

"We should find a way to celebrate then," I suggested. "Tomorrow of course," It suddenly sounded like he was walking away. "Josh?" Bang! The door bent in the most unnatural angle. He... well the curse... had been lying to try to convince me to open the door, and I guess it had decided to go to plan B. Crack! The wood on the door started to splinter. I scrambled to my feet and looked for an escape, or something I could use as a weapon if it came to that. There was a window so I dashed over to it. Then I almost shouted with joy when I saw that the ground was right there. Crash! The door lost its fight and fell to the ground. Hurry... faster... I screamed at myself as I tried to open the window.

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