chapter 14

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"What?" I stood, frozen in shock. You would think I would have been overjoyed... and part of me was, but the logical side told me that the curse wouldn't take a day off for no reason.

"It never took over," Josh repeated. "And I don't think it will... I can't hear it at all."

"Do you think..." Lyle mumbled from behind us. "Do you think that when Josh died earlier today that the curse went away?" I would have given anything for that to be true... to have Josh finally safe, but that wasn't the only option on what could be happening.

"Come in," I opened the door all the way so they could come inside.

"How will we know for sure though," Josh looked worriedly at me like he thought it might just be waiting until we were alone so he could hurt me.

"I can maybe try to talk to it..." I muttered so quietly he might not have heard, but his expression stated very clearly that he did hear... and that he didn't like that idea.

"No!" He glared at me. "No... you won't try to talk to it... it's too risky."

"I did earlier today..." I trailed off at the end realizing that wasn't the best reasoning ever.

"What?!" He and Lyle both shouted at me. Josh went on by himself. "And you didn't feel the need to tell us this because???"

"Because I knew that this would be your reaction?" It sounded more like a question than a statement. "He didn't try to hurt me... he couldn't. Its was only in a dream."

"Fine," He finally growled. "But just this once, because we have to figure out what's going on." He walked past me into the house without a second glance. He could be so overprotective sometimes it was cute... and sometimes it was just plain irritating.

"Are you sure it's safe?" Lyle asked less angry but still a bit.

"Positive," I nodded. I added quietly, "Plus... I don't think it really wants to hurt me..." Lyle found that statement very amusing I guess. He chuckled quietly as he walked past me.

"Whatever you say witch," He muttered. I took a shaky breath ordering myself not to strangle him, and closed the door once they were both inside. Josh still looked quite irritated as he leaned against the wall, arms crossed. Lyle was still laughing quietly to himself, and Jen stood in the doorway with a puzzled look on her face.

"Josh?" she questioned.

"Yes," Josh barely looked at her as he spat out the words.

"Come on then," I grabbed his hand and pulled him after me, acting like I didn't realize he was angry.

"Where are we going?" the question made him sound like he was interrogating someone... that someone just happened to be me.

"My room," I replied trying not to let the anger show. I was only trying to help. Why did he have to be such a pain?

"Oh..." I could tell he heard the anger in my voice and didn't want to make it worse. "I'm sorry I just... I love you and I don't want you to get hurt."

"I love you too," I sighed letting myself relax a bit. "Just trust me though Josh. Trust me this one time. I'll be fine I swear."

"Okay," He nodded as we walked into my room. I looked around, realizing what a mess it was, and I'm sure my face turned a bit red. Josh laughed proving my theory, and then he plopped down on my bed. "So... you can see all of my dreams?" When he put it like that I sounded like a stalker... gosh I probably was...

"Not unless I want to?" It sounded more like a question than a statement. I didn't really know how it all worked to be honest. He laughed for a second, looking amused.

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