Chapter 3: I thought you left

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"M-M-Mandy!!! Oh my gosh! Is it really you! Oh my gosh! I missed you so much!" I held her tightly in my arms. Her bath and body perform filling my nostrils. How was she here?

"You died. How are you here?" I'm throughly confused at this point.

"What are you talking about silly? This isn't real life! This is all in your head!" She had such a bright smile. It could brighten your day just looking at it.

"No no no. This has to be real! I can touch you and smell you an-"

"Wake up Amelia! Wake up!" She started to yell getting more and more angry with every second.

"What's happening!!"

Suddenly I wake up with my mom standing over me.

"Wake up you dirty whore!"

"Wha-whats going on?" I'm groggy. I must have been asleep.

"You've been up in your room for hours. Look at you! Your a mess! Get up!" Her yelling is motherly, sweet but stern. Then I remember what had happened. I immediately start crawling backwards toward my wall.

"Get away from me you monster!"

"Get up and clean yourself up! All I did was give you a little sucker punch and your acting like I killed your hamster. Get up, wash up, and go to bed! Your going to school in the morning."

And with that she slammed my door and left. This was my chance to leave. To jump out of my window and get out of here. But I couldn't bring myself to do it. Why would I go and be homeless when I have a lovely home to come back to. Even though my mother is insane, at least I have a meal at the end of the day.

I get cleaned up and sit on my bed. It's early in the morning but I'm not tired at all. I have nothing to do so I open up my journal and write.

February 18, 2015
Hello old friend. I didn't get much sleep last night from the whole mom thing. I also had the weirdest dream about Mandy. I dreamed she was here in my room and we talked and talked. But it was just a dream. I wish she was here still. I think about her everyday. I don't know what to do anymore. I guess the only thing keeping me alive is my grades. All A's, I'm very proud. I struggle with all this stuff but I continue to keep my grades up. I want to get into a good college and become a doctor. Wouldn't it be perfect? I know how to handle blood...maybe not in a good way but still. I want to help people, not hurt them. I know what it's like.

I fell asleep after writing for awhile and I woke up with the warm sun on my pale face. I kept forgetting it was spring and that summer was just around the corner. I thought I should go to the park in our neighborhood and hangout. No one ever goes there anyways, it would be nice just to enjoy the nice weather. I straighten my hair, like always, and put on some mascara. Some days I'm confident and others I feel like the ugliest human being on this earth. But today was one of my good days.

The bruising was pretty bad on my face. But I was expecting to be alone at the park. There was a mother and son on the swing set when I got there. I watched the mother as she pushed her son. She didn't look too old maybe in her early 20s. I wondered if he baby was a mistake. If a drunken night had changed her life forever. But she looked happy, maybe that's what I needed. A baby. No way, that was crazy. I'm 16, I'd look like the biggest slut in school if I got pregnant. I was walking while my brain was churning with all these thoughts and suddenly my foot hit something hard and I fell flat on my face.

Instantly pain targeted my nose. The blast to my nose was the least of my problems. It felt broken now, and I don't know how I was gonna fix it. Next thing I remember before passing out from the pain is a boy, around my age, running up to me. His words were blocked out and his face a blur. He asked If I was okay and before I could answer everything went black.

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