Chapter 5: High School

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The weekend ended too quickly to even recap. I met Matthew, made up with my mom, and actually had a peaceful Sunday evening. Things were finally looking up for me, but then I remembered I had to go to my least favorite place. High School.

I liked my school I really did, but the people in it bothered me. Most of my days I spent unnoticed, just another person passing by. But now I had a friend, and now someone would actually say hi to me in the halls and draw attention.

Matthew was handsome. Very handsome. I knew girls would be drooling all over him the moment he stepped a foot in that school. I was right. The bus wasn't bad. We have a lot of littler kids in our neighborhood and only a few kids my age, so me and Matthew sat together. We had a small conversation, it wasn't much.

But once we got off the bus a flood of kids came in with us, and I lost him. I told myself he'd me fine, that someone would help him. I hadn't seen him all day until lunch. He was sitting with a group of guys I recognized, the populars. I know that sounds like a petty thing to call them, but what else would I say?! He saw me walk in and got up immediately.

"What's up Amelia?" He smiled with his perfectly white teeth. "Nothing really, just going to sit down." I smiled back. "Want to sit with us?" He motioned over to his table and some of the guys gave me a friendly look, others not so much. "I'm fine sitting alone. I do it everyday." I held my arm at my side. "Oh come onnnn! They'll love you!" He started to grab my hand but I quickly jerked back. "Listen I know your being all sweet but we really know your motive. You want to become friends and then crush me like everyone else. I don't want to sit with you so don't touch me again!" I stormed off after and he called my name, but I never looked back.

*later that day*

I sat on the bus and saw Matthew walk on. Great, he'll probably want to sit with me and work everything out. Once again I was correct.

"Mind if I sit here?" He seemed genuine, almost sorrowful. "Sure whatever." I know I was being rude but I'm just protecting myself. I've gotten hurt by letting people in so many times. I've learned to just close everyone off, it works the best.

"Listen, I'm really sorry about earlier. I didn't me-" I cut him off. "Why are you so nice to me? Everyone obviously hates me. Those guys you were sitting with gave me the dirtiest looks. I have no friends at this school and I don't plan on it in the future. I don't let people in because they hurt me. I'm fat, I'm ugly, and no one wants to be my friend. Point blank period. You seem like a really nice guy and God your beautiful, but you really shouldn't be hanging around a girl like me if you wanna keep hanging out with your guy group." He blushes, probably because I said he was hot. But I didn't want him to blush, I wanted him to hear me.

"Woah." He was surprised at what I just said, maybe even a little speechless. He didn't talk the whole rest of the ride. We got off at the same stop. Once the bus left he looked at me. I still couldn't get over his beauty. We just stared at each other for a minute. Finally he said something.

"I'm going to be your first friend and I'm going to be the first person to call you beautiful and make you see it. You're not what they said you are, your unique. I don't care what they think. I'm going to get to know you and you can't do anything about it." I stood there, a little taken back by what he said. He said it with so much force, so much passion. Like he was talking to someone he had known for years. He really wanted to make something of me, he wanted to change my life.

"We'll see about that." I gave a tiny smirk and as I turned around I saw he had one too. I walked home in the cold, dampened air. I got home and ran upstairs and wrote in my journal.

February 20, 2015
Today was a big day. I think I made a friend. It's been so hard since Mandy has been gone. I haven't really talked to anyone at school. I never told you about Matthew but he just moved in down the hill. He's different from all the other guys at school. He cares, and he cares about me. He told me stuff today that I'll never forget, but that's too special to write down. This is going to be very interesting. I'm just hoping this doesn't backfire on me, because all my other relationships have. Gosh I wish Mandy was here to talk to. But you're all I've got. Cardboard and paper. Better than nothing I guess. I promise I'll keep you updated. Things are better.

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