♥【e p i l o g u e】♥

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"So, it looks like my plan worked

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"So, it looks like my plan worked." Mark teased with a proud smile. Jeno just hummed, a pleased look on his face as he read over the last of one of the papers, signing the bottom after a moment and setting it to the side with a sigh, leaning back in his chair and biting the tip of his pen before turning his chair to look out the window behind him.

"Thank you hyung, for taking me to that club." Jeno said earnestly. Mark cooed softly and laughed.

"It's just nice to see you like this again- all happy, and smiley, and taking-care-of-yourself-y." Mark said, waving his hands a bit as he spoke. Jeno rolled his eyes, sitting up straighter when there was a soft knock on his office door.

"Come in," He said expectantly, ready to discuss business matters until he saw who it was, his facade falling once more and a gentle smile gracing his features. "Jaemin, how's your day been so far?" He greeted. The younger smiled brightly as he walked towards Jeno's desk, caring some things with him.

"Pretty good! Donghyuck finally showed me how to work that damn coffee machine, and bless his soul for it honestly." Jaemin said with a relieved sigh, looking to Mark with furrowed brows. "Aren't you supposed to be working? Why are you always here?" He asked the eldest who shrugged.

"Plot convenience," He offered, taking a sip from the drink he had with a shrug. "Besides, I'm on lunch." Jaemin smiled and rolled his eyes before turning back to Jeno, handing him a packet of papers he was holding.

"I printed off the graphs they were showing at the meeting this morning for you if you wanted them, and there are also some documents in there that need approval- sounds like the company is really pushing for some updated drug plan policies." Jeno took the packet and nodded, setting it to his side.

"Thanks, I'll take a look at it."

"Here's your lunch, and your glasses- you left them by the bed this morning." Jaemin said, handing him a bag of Wendy's and his glasses case. Jeno let out a small 'ah' and chuckled breathily, taking the objects offered to him.

"Thanks babe, sorry." Jaemin hummed, waving his hand as he began to walk towards the door.

"It's alright, that's what boyfriends are for. Besides," Jaemin grinned, grabbing the door and pulling it mostly shut before saying "it's easy to forget your glasses after getting your shit rocked by Na Jaemin." He winked before shutting the door quickly behind him, leaving Jeno a blushing mess at his desk. Mark looked to him with a raised brow and Jeno swallowed.

"I-I didn't- he-" Jeno groaned and put his head in his hands, making Mark laugh.

"Jeno, it's fine, really," Mark assured, standing from where he had sat on one of the little tables in the room and heading towards the door. "I just didn't think you were a bottom."




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really enjoyed finishing this one ngl, lemme tell ya the original ending was angst fest but I rlly like this a lot more






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