♥【t h r e e】♥

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"Jeno, I'm happy for you, I really am! You're finally putting yourself out there and I think it'll be good for you to have someone, but be careful with people like him

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"Jeno, I'm happy for you, I really am! You're finally putting yourself out there and I think it'll be good for you to have someone, but be careful with people like him. Some of them are only in it for the money." Jeno nodded at Mark's warning words, only half listening as he finished rereading his email to check for spelling errors and sent it off.

"I know" He hummed, thinking for a moment to recall what they were talking about as he grabbed a pen from the mug on his desk. "But, he's different Mark. I can tell." Jeno answered as he pulled a paper from one of the stacks on his desk. He smiled triumphantly as he began writing something down. "Besides, I'm a smart guy, I wouldn't let him steal anything from me.." He muttered, glancing between his laptop and the paper with a squint. The older chuckled. 

"You already did.."

"What?" Mark smiled softly as he stepped forward and picked Jeno's glasses up from where they had gotten placed at the front of the boy's desk. He opened them and put them on Jeno's face, the younger letting out a soft 'ah!' as he was finally able to see better and pushing the glasses up on his nose a bit.

"Nothing. Now come on, your shift is over, I bet Jaemin is waiting."

The blaring music of the club and vibrant lights were dizzying to Jeno as he followed Mark back to where they had sat last week.

"Why always this seat?" Jeno asked, raising his voice to be over the music. The older grinned.

"So that they can find us." Jeno nodded, turning his head to survey the room. He wasn't sure how anyone could find anyone in this mess unless they stayed connected by the hip as soon as they walked in. He sighed and pulled out the pack of cigarettes from his pocket along with a lighter.

Mark was gone quickly, rushing off with Donghyuck again as soon as the tanned male found him, leaving Jeno alone with his cigarettes.

He wasn't alone for long.

"Could it be?" Jeno looked up at the dramatic tone, smiling when his eyes landed on exactly who he was waiting for. The younger sat down beside him. "It is! Oh, Jeno it's been such a grueling week without you." He said with a pout. The older laughed.

"Was I really missed? I'm surprised that despite all the customers you probably got you still remember me.." Jaemin shrugged.

"Well we were texting all week so I couldn't forget you if I tried." Jaemin reasoned sarcastically. "Besides, you treated me so well, most men don't realize how hot it is when they're being all nice and caring. They think that it's only hot if you're rough." Jeno chuckled.

"Well then, good thing I'm not most men."

"You aren't, but I bet I could get you back upstairs just as fast." Jeno laughed, standing without another thought and reaching out a hand for the younger.

"You're right about that."

Hands interlocked together, the pair weaved their way through the crowds and up the stairs, Jeno leading the way. He opened the door to the same room as last weekend and shut it behind them. When he turned he saw Jaemin stretching out on the bed, his body relaxing on the mattress as he laid there. Jeno smiled and locked the door, walking over and laying down on the bed beside the younger.

"So, the week was grueling even with all the memes I sent?" Jeno asked. Jaemin nodded with a pout, earning a chuckle from the other. He rolled onto his side, curling up into Jeno who warmly invited him into his hold and sighing.

"I wish there were more guys like you in this world.." Jeno let out an airy chuckle.

"Yeah, but then I wouldn't be as memorable." Jaemin nuzzled into the boy's side, oblivious to how he was making the other's heart race.

"I would still remember you Jen.." The older perked up at that.

"Would you now?" Jaemin nodded. "And why is that?" He asked. The younger suddenly sat up and looked around the room. He stood and went to the window, opening the curtains before going back to the bed and turning off the lamps on the bedside tables so that the only light was the blue-grey moonlight outside.

"Well, you're just... Different. I couldn't forget you if I tried which," Jaemin gave a small chuckle. "It's scary." He paused from where he sat on the bed and Jeno sat up, the younger turning his head to look at him again. "I've never felt this way about a person before.." Jeno nodded, eyes landing on the other's lips. He wanted them again, to feel the softness pressing against him, just to kiss the boy in front of him would be enough. A small smile made its way onto Jaemin's face as he realized where the boy's gaze had fallen. He leaned forward without any words and connected their lips, the perfect combination of soft, sweet pressure just like how Jeno remembered. He missed it. He missed Jaemin so much all week.

Thank god he had taken the next week off from work with Mark.

They pulled away from each other slowly, both boy's cheeks a shade of delicate pink in the dim moonlight.

"As an apology for not visiting all week, you'll be happy to know I took next week off." Jaemin smiled happily and moved to sit on Jeno's lap.

"Perfect.." He muttered as he rested his head on Jeno's shoulder. The older let his hand rub gentle circles on the boy's back, feeling how Jaemin relaxed under the touch, body practically melting into the olders as he continued.

"How does that feel?" Jaemin hummed.

"Good.." Jeno smiled gently, moving carefully so he was lying back against the pillows, Jaemin still in his hold. He closed his eyes with a smile, Jaemin's hands traveling along his torso. The younger sat up.

"Can you take your shirt off?" Jaemin asked carefully. Jeno nodded, a smile still on his face as he did as asked. Jaemin took off his shirt as well, laying back down again on the older boy's now bare torso. He closed his eyes carefully, the sound of Jeno's heartbeat already enough to make him tired. It really had been a long week- ever since his first meet with Jeno he had tried extra hard to get in more customers each night, hoping to make up for his lost time with the older.

Now he had given up though, no longer caring about the number of customers.

Jeno had one hand carding through the boy's hair softly, the other rubbing circles on the youngers back. He could tell it was putting Jaemin to sleep but he was glad. He knew the younger needed and deserved it.

He felt Jaemin's body jerk as he struggled to keep himself awake and he felt his heart shatter a bit from it.

"Shh, it's okay Jaemin go on and sleep now... It's okay." Jaemin closed his eyes again.



"Can you tell me a story?" Jeno chuckled.

"Of course baby... I think I remember a couple of poems if that works?" Jaemin nodded.

"Poems work well too.." Jeno smiled.


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