♥【o n e】♥

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Jeno wasn't really one for clubs

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Jeno wasn't really one for clubs. That's why he was so hesitant about Mark's offer for all the months it had been handed to him.

He mainly didn't like the idea of fucking some random girl or boy who decided to sell their body for a couple of extra bucks each night at said club.

And that's how he ended up alone at a table after Mark had told him to 'loosen up a little!' before drunkenly stumbling off with some tan boy named Donghyuck who he had met earlier. Jeno was super tense, scared that if he loosened up too much he would appear as the perfect target for one of those prostitutes.


Alone, just drunk enough to fuck up his morals, and hot as hell.

The perfect target.

And that's just what one of them thought.

"So pretty little slut.."

Those were the words that made Jeno look up from his drink, and the sight he was met with, he was not pleased with.

A poor boy sitting at a table becoming a victim to some fat old man's horny desires.

Now normally, Jeno would let it slide. Prostitutes were basically asking for it with their jobs being the way they were.

But this was different.

The boy looked uncomfortable.

And that was crossing the line for Jeno.

He put on his killer gaze and stood up, leaving his pack of cigarettes on the table and walking over to the other.

"There you are! I've been looking all over for you." Jeno said, acting as if he had been there with the boy the whole time. The old man glared at him and begrudgingly released his grip on the youngers waist before walking off. Jeno sat beside him and slung an arm around the other's shoulder protectively as he watched the man go.

Once he was out of sight, Jeno felt the boy visibly relax in his hold, practically melting into his side. Jeno smiled lightly and chuckled.

"It's alright, kid. You're safe now." The boy looked at him and nodded, regaining himself before putting on a smile.

"Thanks-" the boy paused, searching for a name.

"Jeno. My names Jeno." The younger nodded.

"I'm Jaemin..." Jaemin paused again, this time captivated by Jeno's features. He had a sharp jawline and such beautiful defined detail in his face, the sharp shape of his eyes being complimented by the softness within them. His dark hair was just a bit disheveled and the cigarette in his mouth glowed gently, smelling much better than the last man's jacket that reeked of weed. Jaemin smiled.

"Well Jeno, thanks for the help. He is a rather threatening man in the business. He fucked a girl so relentlessly once that she died. He choked her out in bed. One heck of a kink gone wrong, you know?" Jeno tilted his head.

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