♥【e n d】♥

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"I want you to work with me at the office," Jeno said that morning as he played gently with the hair on Jaemin's neck

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"I want you to work with me at the office," Jeno said that morning as he played gently with the hair on Jaemin's neck. The younger stayed silent after, waiting to see if the older would continue. "Only if you want to but, I just think it would be good for you. I have a pretty high up position, I'd put in a good word for you, it's a well-paying job too." The older offered, continuing to pet the other's hair. Jaemin hummed a bit.

"I don't want you to abuse your power just so I can work there Jeno, it's alright. This is the job I've always had and it's fine, it gets me what I need." Jeno felt his heart clench and he looked down at the other who was playing with his free hand, observing every crevice and line.

"Jaemin, you aren't happy." Jeno reasoned gently, not wanting to cross any lines already so early on into their relationship. Jaemin shook his head slowly, but Jeno continued. "It's making you hate yourself Jaem, it isn't good." His voice was soft and comforting as he reached his hand down to rub circles on the small of the boy's back. "I want you to love yourself, I want you to feel good about who you are. I just want you to feel happier."

Jaemin didn't know what to say. He had never heard anyone be so kind to him, in fact, the one relationship he had been in in the past was incredibly twisted and abusive, the person convincing him to give up everything so he could have Jaemin all to himself, but this was different. Jeno wasn't telling him to stop working, he wasn't trying to own him, he was offering Jaemin a job, a well-paying one at that, a safe one- a happy one.

He hadn't noticed he was crying until Jeno pulled him into his chest, the older hushing him ever so gently as he kept him there. Jaemin sniffled and let himself go, let himself cry into the older's chest, a sobbing, sniffly mess against Jeno's shirt. They held each other tightly, the younger of the two beginning to shake a bit in the embrace as he cried, and Jeno swore he could feel his heart breaking.

There were no words exchanged between them for a while besides Jeno's gentle encouragements and soft reassurances, even when Jaemin stopped crying and calmed down, fully steadied again, Jeno didn't push the subject anymore. It wasn't until finally, Jaemin spoke up, that the topic was revived.

"I'll do it." He said with a nod. Jeno smiled at that, kissing his forehead softly.

"You don't have to you know? It's okay if you don't want-"

"Jeno, I'd love to." Jaemin answered sincerely, a soft smile coming to his face as he ran his hands up and down the older's chest. "It would be nice to see you every day anyway." He breathed softly, his face inching closer to Jeno's, their lips mere inches apart. Jeno hummed and leaned forward, stealing a little kiss from Jaemin who smirked a bit, following his lips when he tried to pull away.

The light of the afternoon sun was making a feeble attempt to reach them as it peaked through the slats of the shut blinds a bit, landing on the ground inches away from the bed, the room was mostly dark other than the natural light that managed to fill it regardless, and Jeno loved it. It was like their own little world, their own little place where both nothing and everything that they needed parted ways to allow them to be at peace together, holding each other closely and reveling in the feeling of together. 

It didn't matter if Jeno had 4 missed calls from Mark, it didn't matter if he missed a bit of work tomorrow, it didn't matter if he wanted to fall asleep at four in the afternoon and wake up at two in the morning when they were here, all that mattered was that it was them. 

All that mattered was Jaemin.

And so as they sat together in bed, Jaemin having moved to sit on the olders lap, smiling coyly as he ground his hips a bit, Jeno thought he would willingly give the boy in his lap anything he asked for.


He would give him anything he wanted.


"Can I fuck you?"

Even that.

→ E n d 

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