Chapter 6 The mall

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"Your grounded for 2 weeks" says my mom " But moooommmm" I complain "Do you want me to make it 1 month?" "No" I say defeated "Good" she says and walks to the kitchen to make our lunches for tomorrow. As I'm just about to watch another episode of Glee, my iPhone buzzes. I check my IM and I check my contact Sienny (Sienna) and I read: Hey Jesse! Sure I'll come over. I'll be over in a minute. Around 50 seconds later she walks through the back door and sits herself down on the couch next to me. We kinda have this think where we leave our back doors open when we come to each others houses. " So, what did he do to you? Give me all the gossip" she asks. I tell her the story from the beginning and when I'm done I'm completely out of breath. " Well girlfriend we don't take no crap from anyone" she says with a snap of her fingers and the twirl of he hips. I laugh out loud and give her a big bear hug. " Your the best friend EVER!" I say " I know" she replies " Sienna, sweetie, how are you?" says my mom coming over to give her a hug " Good Mrs. M. How are you?" "I'm fine thank you very much" she walks back into the kitchen and continues making our tuna fish sandwiches. Suddenly Heather bursts through the door " Bye James!" she yells to her boyfriend honking his horn. She makes a kissy face in his direction and closes the door. "Hi mom hey Sienna" she says while dropping her backpack down next to mine. " Hi" says Sienna "Hello honey" says my mom."Oh hi Heather!" I say with a cough " Hey loser" she says with a smirk and mounts the steps into her bedroom. "Teenagers" I mumble to Sienna. "Where's Eli?'' " He's at Georges house" says Sienna "Ok, come on, lets go up to my room" I say while getting up. She follows me up the steps and into my room. She drops her backpack down on the floor next to my walk-in closet. " So, what do you want to do?" I ask " Mmmm..." she says with a thoughtful look. Suddenly her eyes light up like firecrackers " I have the perfect idea!" she squeals "What?" I say " Come on, We're going to the mall!" she says and, lifting me up off of the ground, we walk downstairs "Oh crud" I mutter " Mrs. M?" "Yes Sienna?" she says turning around. Sienna comes up to her and whispers something in her ear " Why of course! That's an excellent idea! Come on girls, get on your shoes and coats, we're going to the mall" "But mom, I'm grounded!" "This is an exception" she says with a wink. I grab my purple Nike shoes and my warm puffy jacket and Sienna grabs her brown combat boots and her TNA jacket. Together we walk out into the garage and enter the back seat of our car. My mom opens the front and slides in " Buckle your seat belts girls, we're going on an adventure!"

"Ok, we're here" says my mom. We get out and walk to the entrance of Miami's biggest mall, I forget the name but it's like Miami Swaggy I think. We walk in and I'm engulfed in a swarm of people. Sienna, Sharon and I start to walk through the mall. " So, what are we doing here anyways?" I ask them both " We're taking you shopping for clothes and makeup" says Sienna. I stop dead in my tracks, the two things I hate; shopping and makeup. Makeup. I hear Heather talk about it all the time, lipstick, nail polish, mascara and eye liner. It's like a diferent laquage for me. Those are all the things that Katie wears and now here I am with my mom and my best friend, going to buy that stuff! "Ohh..." I say "Com on, it will be fun! Just give it a try" says my mom "Uggggggg, I hate you guys" I say through a laugh "That's the spirit!" says Sienna. The first store we go to is Forever21. Then we just keep going from store to store either drugstore or clothing. We shopped till we dropped. And when we finally dropped, we dropped. We left the mall at around 4:00 and got home at 4:15. When I stumble into my room, I flop down on my plush bed and start to drift off, but before I got the chance, Sienna shook me awake "The adventure has just begun!" "Uhhhhhh" I say through a mouthful of sheet.

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