Chapter 1 The Millards

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My alarm goes off "DINGGGG" "Ugggg school again!" I say to myself. Sorry I forgot to introduce myself, hi-uh darn I always sound to polite, well never mind. Hi. My name is Jesse Millard, I'm 15 years old and have two siblings; a older sister and a twin brother, a mom and a dad. I have long straight chestnut coloured locks that always look perfect(not the way I want them to look). I have brown eyes and small pink lips. I go to a school named Finder High school. I have a best friend named Sienna that I've known since as long as I can remember. Anyway, I check my clock, 7:01. I slowly crawl out of bed like a zombie waking from the dead and stumble to the washroom. When I get there I realize that the door is locked. "Shute!" I say to myself. My sister beat me to it and if you know teenagers, they take FOREVER in the washroom. I knock, no one. I knock again, no one. And for the third time, I knock again " BANG BANG BANG!!" " What!?" I hear her yell " I have to use the toilet sooo bad!!" " Hold it in you idiot!" " I can't!" "Fine, ugggg" I see her round face peek through the door. She has wavy blond hair that reaches to her belly button, ocean blue eyes, round plump lips and long brown eyelashes. I can see that she just came out of the shower and just then a waft of steam hits me. I march in. " GET OUT" she screams " No" I say casually, then push her out and lock the door behind
me. Yes, ha! Victory is mine! I can still hear Heather having a temper tantrum outside the door. I chuckle to myself, tennagers, gosh, they're SUCH drama queens! Finally I start to get ready. When I'm done I open the door, " Here you go my lady" I say bowing with a sarcastic tone to Heather " You're so wierd" she replies. She pushes me aside and strides in to take another eternity in the washroom. I glare at her as she slames the door behind her. What she doesn't know is that I left a little surprise for her on the counter top. " Three, two, one" "AHHHHHH" I hear her scream " JESSE, GET BACK HERE!" I fullout sprinto to my room and slam the door
just as she reaches the door handle. I fall to the ground laghing hysterically. " You-HA you-Ha! You're so stupid!! You fell for the old 'fake bug on the table' trick" I say in between breaths "You, you little turd! I'll get ou back! Just you wait!" She stomps away and steps back ino her woman cave, wich aparently is only for 15 year olds and over as well as NO TURDS ALOWED ( that's my nickname, she always calls me by something different everyday either idioit, turd or pooface and that's just the first three, don't get me started on dimwhit, Jesse the pest or my worst nightmare (that's another story)) as I was saying, I get into my black Adidas track pants and a purple graphic T-shirt ( if you already didn't know,my favorite color is puple) I also put on my black and white design hoodie and red and blue striped socks. I look around my room. My walls are a light shade of purple and my carpet is an ugly pee-white. My bed is beside my coubard and at the head of my bed I have thousands and thousands of different posters of my top three favorite celebritys; Taylor Swift, Katty Perry and Selena Gomez. My desk is plain white with 2 draws on each sides. On top of my desk I have my labtop and my Ipod touch. I open the door cusiously and scan all around me. The coast is clear. " Duna duna duna!" I whisper to add special effects. I slowly ceep out of my room, you can never let your guard down in the Millard house, and crawl down the hallway, making sure not to make any sound. As I pass my brother Eli's room I look in to see him sitting at his desk, back facing me, reading. I roll my eyes, of course he's reading, that's like a sport for him. One time we had to read a book for school and he finished his in an hour, unlike me who finished her's in 4 days! It took me 4 days to read a 200 page book!! Talk about embarisment. As I'm thinking about that, I remember how humiliated I felt and swore to myself that I would get him back, and today is the perfect time! I creep into his room making sure I don't step on the uneven floor boards. As I'm comming closer to him, I take a look around his room; on the ceiling I see at least 10 different types of aiplanes, on the walls, posters of mathimatical equations and pictures of the Piriodic table. What a geek, I think in my head. I get ready to pounce, like a tiger. 3,2,1 "BOO" I yell "AHHHHHHHHHHH" Eli jumps out of his chair "Jesse!!!" "What?" I reply all inoccent like "JESSE" I hear my mom, Sharon, scream from downstairs "DID YOU SCARE YOUR BROTHER AGAIN?" " NO" I say stifling a laugh " JESSE?" she says with slight sharness in her voice "What!? I might have creapt up on him and scared the pants off of him but so what? It was to tempting to resist!" I try to sound inoccent, but I don't think she's bying it " Young lady, you appoligise right this instant or I'm taking away your labtop" Uh oh, young lady is not a good thing to hear from my mom, especially in the morning when everyone is all cranky and smells like morning breath. "Fine"
I turn to Eli and see that he's wearing a smug look of contentment on his face. Let me take a second to discribe him to you. Eli and I are fraternal twins wich means that we are twins, but we aren't the same gender like a boy and a boy or a girl and a girl. Eli always thinks that he has leverage on everything just because he's 1 hour older that me, hey! It's not my fault that I like to sleep! Eli is always braging about how smart and handsome he is but frankly, I think he's the exact oposite of everything he thinks. He has tustled dark brown hair, huge wide rimed glasses wich, unlike me, make him look like a alien, a medium sized nose and wide courious green eyes. And to top it all of, today his outfit is brown cords that berely reach his ankles, a sideways looking shirt that says all the elements of the Periodic table and crazy colored socks that are a size too big. I think I came out better than him, if we're being honest here. " What are you looking at?" I say through gridded teeth "Oh nothing, just contemplating my victory " "Are you sure?" I say with a sarcastic grin "Yes" he shot back with a evil/geeky grin. And with that note, I march out of his room with pure awesomeness trailing behind me. I run down the steps and into the kitchen where my lunch bag is sitting on the counter waiting to be packed "Bye mom, bye dad" I kiss both of them on the cheek, grab my lunch, backpack and a banana, and hed toward the front door "Bye honey!" they say in unison "Love ya!" I say as I open the door. Once I'm outside and walking to the bus stop, I think to myself, wow what a normal school morning for the Millards.

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