Chapter 9 He noticed!!

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"Jesse?" "Jesse!"JESSE" "Get up!" I lift my head groggily to find, to my least bit surprised groggy eyes, a Serenna staring me in the eyes. "What?" "School! Today's the day the world gets to see the new Jesse, and by world I mean Jonah" she says with a sly smirk on her face. "Ugh! Why do you always get up in ma grill gurlllll!" I say while sitting up on my elbows, " What time is it anyways?" "6:30am!" Replies Sienna glowing as always. She's the only person I know that LOVES mornings. Once during summer, she woke me up at 5:30 just to see an "exotic" bird that flew away right when I went to look. "Come on! We have a lot of work to do to get you ready." I groan and plop my head back down on my pillow "5 more minutes! School doesn't start for another 2 and a half hours!" I say, my pillow muffling my voice "Come on, get your lazy ass out of bed!" She grabs my arms and pulls me out of my sleeping bag. Since it's the beginning of spring, the air is crisp and light. Birds flutter and sing in the bright morning sky. It's quite chilly so I put on my Hollister grey hoodie. We climb out of the tree house, pack up our things and head inside. We go into the kitchen and grab a banana each and a cup of hot tea. I grab my duffel and she hers. We climb up our stairs to my room and pass my sisters room on the way. I hear strange noises coming from her room so me and Sienna drop out stuff, drop to our stomachs and peek under the door. "What do you think she's doing in there?" She whispers in my ear "I don't know." I vaguely remember Heather saying something about Jake coming over this morning. I can just see under the door but not enough to make anything out. I hear a giggle and the creak of a bed moving. I suddenly have a very big suspicion somethings going down in there so I lean in closer to try to hear more. Suddenly I hear a soft rumble and a small giggle beside me. I turn to see Sienna, beat red faced, clutching her mouth. She stifles a laugh and I have to hold my mouth so I don't laugh either. I slowly climb to my feet and beckon Sienna to do the same. She rises slowly next to me. I count down on my fingers; 5-4-3-2-1. I grab the door handle and pull. It opens with a jolt and I'm not surprised to see Jake and Heather lying on the bed making out. "Mmmmmm" she says through Jakes mouth. They roll over so that Heather is now on top of him instead of underneath. "Baby..... I love you so much..." He muffles. I find it kind of ridiculous that they haven't noticed us yet. "Ehemmm" I say in a clearing the throat motion. Heather lifts her head and an ear slitting scream lurches the air. "WHAT THE HELL JESSE! WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS INVADING MY PRIVACY, YOU AND YOUR LITTLE FRIENDS!!" She turns to Jake " Sorry babe for yelling" "It's ok girl" he says leaning down for another suck at her face. "LEAVE NOW!!" Heather screams "Ok ok fine gosh" me and Sienna walk out but I can't help one last glance at them. They look so happy, so in love. And I wonder when I'm ever gonna get a boyfriend or even my first kiss. Heather had already had plenty of boyfriends and kisses by my age so why don't I? I push that thought out of my head as we enter my room. We both sit down on my bed, look at each other, and start having a laughing fit. We laugh so hard we start crying.

For my outfit today I chose the high waisted jeans, cream crop-top, mint cardigan, white converse, a little makeup, the blue bow and my hair curled. Sienna wore a navy mini skirt, tight black leggings, black and white adidas shoes, a red crop-top, a grey long, oversized cardigan, her blond curls in a tight bun and a little more makeup than me. We both pack our backpacks and go to the front door and catch the bus. "Do you really think he'll notice me?" I ask, biting my lip as we sit down at our seats. Sienna replies with a sly smile "Gurl he'd be crazy not to!" "Hey Sienna" I turn around to see Fredrick, the laughing stock of the 7th grade, standing behind me "Uh hi Fred" I look over at Sienna and see that she's holding in a giggle. I roll my eyes and gaze out the window at the passing houses and cars. When we get to school we start walking down the hall towards first period. We split up at our lockers since I have history first and she has English. I lock my locker tight and make my way to class. The bell rings just when I sit down at my seat. I have butterflies in my stomach because this is one of the only classes I have with Jonah. I peer in front of me and see Katie, twirling her long golden curls around her perfectly manicured fingers. And you wouldn't be surprised to know who she's talking to; Jonah. She's smiling and batting her long eyelashes in his face. Jonah looks so good today I can't help but stare; he's wearing a grey and red t-shirt, black skinny jeans, Nike high top shoes, his brown hair is ruffled at the front and a blue snap back hat. Hot. So hot. Suddenly he looks up from Katie and we lock eyes for a split second. I turn away, cheeks ablaze. Slowly, he starts to walk down the isle towards his seat at the back (only three seats away from mine) he passes me on the way, smiles and says "Hey, Jesse right?" I feel my cheeks getting hotter (if that's even possible) "Um yeah" I lift my eyes towards his and back down "I like that name" he says behind his shoulder as he continues down the isle. "Alright students! Prepare chapter 8 for reading" my teacher, Ms. Harland, yells. But I'm not listening, for all I'm thinking of is him. How he looked at me, how he smiled at me, how he barely grazed my shoulder. I'm all tingly as I open my textbook to chapter 8; Great Miracles.

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